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0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 187.2 tuntia (19.6 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 2.11.2019 klo 17.37
Muutettu 2.11.2019 klo 17.50.

Early Access -arvostelu
A very fun game session where we were trying to take down a Swarm, that went something like this:

1. Our Sub was attacked not only by the Swarm, but also by a BONE TIGER TRESHER (Actually by 2 of them)

2. So then, our Sub goes down and runs out of power. Our Coilgun stops working, and we still have like 3-4 fish eating out our hull.

3. The Security guard gets the brilliant idea to go out of the airlock, which would've been fine if he didn't only have a stun baton on him. And we also only find out about his brilliant idea as he tries to swim back to the airlock while being chased by the Thresher. He didn't make it.

4. So here's the situation. There are three people left. Me (the Captain) Our Doctor, and our Engineer. The Sub is basically wrecked, it's entirely submerged in water and everything that is electronic and else is completely ♥♥♥♥♥♥.

5. Our Engineer, basically our main way to survival, walks out into the flooded command room without a diving suit and gets crushed by water pressure. His last words? "What the ♥♥♥♥."

6. Our remaining crew, ie: Me, Doc, (and our helpful ghost of the Engineer) come up with an ingenious plan. Go outside and shoot all the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Of course, our Security guard may have failed before us, but unlike him we actually had guns. Things go wrong right off the bat, however. As I exit out of the airlock with my SMG, ready to turn that dumb Thresher into Swiss cheese, our Doctor gets stuck trying to open the airlock door while uttering the words: "Oh my god, this game's controls suck so badd!".

7. So i'm outside alone. Me, vs the Tresher. All I have on me is an SMG with 2 mags. I look up and notice the Tresher gunning it straight to me, and as I empty the entire mag into him - we collide. I get hit with internal damage and I start bleeding. My Doctor? Still stuck at the airlock. Great. The big Tresher, albeit damaged already before our encounter, is now at half-health. My health is also draining exponentially, and blood loss is accumulating fast. I quickly drop my empty mag and reload my SMG, as the Tresher is preparing to collide into me again, I drop my second mag into him. He gets stunned for a few seconds, 1/4th of his health remaining, I quickly switch to my revolver and finally put him down. Mission accomplished, whew.

8. My Doctor finally makes it out of the airlock (very conveniently). I'm bleeding profusely, and i'm near death. Panicking, I get back into the Sub while frantically screaming "I'm bleeding help help help i'm gonna die!!". The Doctor tries to chase me down as i'm running all around the place trying to find medical items, forgetting that our Doc is actually the man with all the supplies. Long story of running around short, I finally calm down and he miraculously saves me from near death. Sweet.

9. However, our mission is not fully accomplished yet. The Sub? Still Submerged. The Tiger Treshers? There's still one left. Hotel? Trivago. We go out on one more outside venture (This time making sure the Doc actually goes with me). We make it to the second Thresher and unload all our ammo into him. The ♥♥♥♥♥♥ still lunges at me even though the Doctor is much closer. We put him down, at the cost of me starting to bleed again. However, the threat was finally over, albeit we had much more work ahead of us.

10. So all the fish were finally dead, including the Swarm. Now, our next task was to bring our ship back from complete submergion. An arduous and a not really worthwile task, however we were not about to step down from a challenge.

11. We welded. We fixed. We struggled. After a loong while of fixing all the leaks and junction boxes, we finally were able to bring the Nuclear Reactor back online, and pump out all the water. Hurray. Or did we?... As the power turns on, and "all" the water pumps out, we finally breathe a sigh of relief. This is probably a good time to point out that throughout all this time, we were stuck about 190 meters away from the station. We could smell victory. It was so close, yet so far. I make it back to the piloting station. "Finally!" I think to myself, "We're gonna actually win!" However, tragedy struck again. Our Sub? It refused to move, and remained completely stationary. Confusion and panick all go through my body at the same time.

12. I find out the reason of our unableness to move. Our Oxygen refilling room? It was completely flooded. We go and investigate, however our search determines very little. There are no obvious leaking walls around the area, yet the room keeps being filled with water. Clearing the room proves to be futile. Our first ingenious plan was to break through the bottom floor of the room to check for outside leaks. However, tragedy strikes for perhaps the last time. Our beloved Medic, who went through this entire grandeur journey with me, replaced his diving suit Oxygen tank with a Welding Fuel tank. His last moments were filled with him sniffing petrol, perhaps a nicer death than our other crewmates, but still.

13. At this point, I was the last man standing, But for my comrades, I had to keep going, for otherwise their sacrifices were futile. I put our plans into motion, and break through the Oxygen room's floor. Aaand there was nothing under. Still no leaks were visible. I was confused, sad and angry at the same time. My options were running thin. Our helpful Engineer ghost (Who died way earlier in the run) had a suggestion: "Maybe try to check out the pump in the room? See if you can pump all the water out?". I check the pump... And that's when it all clicks together. The pump? It was pumping the water into the room. This entire time it just kept flooding the room. Over, and over. Our Doctor died for nothing. The Discord channel erupts in laughter.

14. However, I was not going to let it all be for nothing. I was determined to finally finish this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mission, no matter the cost. I definitively get rid of the water on the sub, and got back to the helm... Movement! I can finally leave.

15. 180 meters left. All the pressure is on me, our 2 hours of trying to complete the mission were all resting on my shoulders. "You're going wayy to fast, slow down!" - said our long dead Security Guard. "Shut the ♥♥♥♥ up, i'm trying to concentrate!" I respond. "Yeah, don't pressure the Captain, just let him do his thing" - adds the Engineer. 100 meters left. The server is completely quiet. All that can be heard is my panicked breathing as i'm maneuvering the boat to not hit any walls. 50 meters. My heart is beating at around 150 beats per minute. I'm getting prepared to dock the station, finally all my efforts were about to pay off. 40 meters. 30 meters. 20 meters. 10 meters. 15 meters. 20 meters. The speed of my boat was going up and down drastically, as I was trying to dock at a low speed without ramming the station. Finally. 5 Meters. 4 Meters. 2 Meters. 1 Meter. The ship successfully docks. The ghost crew cheers on.

16. "Aww man, that was super intense! Thought i'd never make it, pheww. So what are we buying? Where we going next?" "Uhh, we should probably restart." "Wait, what?" "Yeah, we lost about 4 Diving suits, a ton of Oxygen tanks, about 3 Welders with their respective fuels, all of our Wrenches and Screwdrivers and nearly all of our medical supplies." "Well ♥♥♥♥♥♥, can't really argue with that." And that, is how our story ends. Perhaps not with a bang, but it certainly starts with one.

17. So do I recommend this game? Hell yeah! However, only if you have at least 2-3 other people who are willing to buy and play it with you. Playing this game solo with bots is torturous and not really all that fun, so unless you're willing to go through that, or if you just want to buy the game and play on random public servers - I don't really recommend it as it stands right now. However, if you have a couple of friends who are willing to give the game a try, I highly, highly recommend this game for a fun co-op nightmare session.
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7 kommenttia
Sol Maximinus 3.1.2020 klo 12.01 
Absolutely great story :haiyin:
CantOrWont 1.1.2020 klo 17.53 
Gotta be honest, this review sold me on the game. This is how game reviews SHOULD be written! Tip 'o the hat to you good sir/madam!
SexyPanther 27.11.2019 klo 15.15 
I stopped reading after you said "hotel. trivago." I figured you couldn't possibly top that. Interesting read. Nice job.
Laf Llan 22.11.2019 klo 2.06 
i feel like reading a script for SsethTzeentach review/storytime for the game.

great story cap'n, may your crew rest in peace o7.
Gas 9.11.2019 klo 15.24 
You spoiled the fact that you could accidently replace your oxygen tank with a fuel tank but besides that this is a great story
Brlck 9.11.2019 klo 9.09 
Thanks for the story this was very helpful
Lordly Cinder 7.11.2019 klo 11.38 
Awesome this makes me decide ill play even without the singleplayer really cool I luv the feel luv the mechanics!