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Blake Ezor ™   United States
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**Welcome to my "T.U.R.D." Review**
"T" = "Theft", If you buy this game they have just stole your money!
"U" = "Ugly", The Graphics, Gameplay, Bugs in the Game, and Antics of the Developers!
"R" = "Rat Tail", Richard Garriott Selling pieces of his Infamous "Rat Tail" to raise money for the game, he also sold his Blood see below for more info, if he keeps selling parts of his body he will likely be able to get the part in the next Austin Powers movie as "Mini-Me"! http://massivelyop.com/2016/01/12/richard-garriott-cuts-off-some-of-his-rat-tail-to-raise-money-for-shroud-of-the-avatar/
"D" = "DumbAss", Anyone who buys this game after reading this review myself included since they denied a refund for it!
Now let me start my Review of this TURD of a game!

Here's a link to them Banning me from expressing my Negative Review!

"Do not go were the path may Lead! Go instead were there is no path and leave a trail of Doo Doo Poo, so you know not to come back to this Garbage Dump! Heed me oh Avatar, I am The Guardian and you have been warned! And Batlin says Hi.......

LoL!!They got my money and I still constantly get emails to spend more money and buy Hats, smoking pipes, chairs, pledge more money, silly outfits, paintings, coal, candy, houses, donate money, emotes, fans, clocks, silly helmets, pledge more money, pets, pet names, Telethon Funding, Pay to see Starr long dance, pay to see lord british fly to space, just pay, pay, pay, pay,pay to breath air, pay for every time your heart beats, pay to go to the bathroom, pay to eat, pay to goto sleep, Donate huge amount if you want to wake up, need more funding please pay for the sh_tty graphics, Pay to have the achievement page graphics redrawn by a sixth grader intead of the first grader who drew them, pay so you can stand around with everyone else in the game and pretend to have a party, pay so that the game can be finished in the year 2299. Just pay because at this point the game has cost more money than games like Pillars of Eternity, The Witcher 3, Skyrim! Don't be fooled by my hours logged here on steam because I have played this heap of sh_t longer than I should of and I should have those guys pay me for my wasted time on this cash cow! Even if it does get finished be ready to spend money just to open doors or access areas or dance around in game with Lord British! I played Ultima online back in the day and that is what drew me to this money pit, sadly if you have played the old ultima online don't expect that from this game but do expect them to drain your bank and right now if you act quickly you can buy a lot for a deed to a house for only $15,000 and Lord british will escort you in for a extra $1,200, and
if you donate $750 Starr Long will drink a shot of Tabasco and for a mere $500 get a piece of toilet paper used my his majesty Lord British!

If you think I'm joking about the stuff posted above, then read this and you will be amazed to how low these guys are willing to go to get your money in their pockets!

This same guy who thinks his Blood is Holy and that people should pay to hang it as art also Claims that other game developes "♥♥♥♥"! Think im kidding?
Read this article printed in PC Gamer
Do you really want to buy a Game from a guy who makes games at present time that look like games from the 1980's specifically the Amiga and claims that most game Designers these days ♥♥♥♥?
Or read what a co-founder of Portalarium says:
***NOTE If Link Above Does Not Work Click the Same Link in the comments below from "l'Original"***


Act now or you may miss out on the chance to be part of one of the most expensive games ever created with the same Graphic Engine, Tool Set and Editor used to create Ultima Online from 1997!

They have raised close to $10,000,000 at time of me writing this, and what you get if you buy this game is a place to buy a virtual house or castle (pricing at $15,000) and than you get to decorate it, but of course you have to buy the virtual furniture with real money, basicaly if you like Barbie Dress up games you'll love this one, you can dress your avatar up in silly costumes and run around the game spreading peanut butter all over your self jumping up and down displaying fancy emotes which I might add cost money as well, also have fun decorating your house or castle if you can afford to buy either of those. This game is basically a rich man's Minecraft! Just be prepared to spend,spend, and spend! The developers claim they use all the money people have spent and dump it into the games developement but maybe they are referring to Richard garriotts other Failed project "Tabula Rasa"! Same situation, people spent alot of money buying his game and than he leaves it to fly off to space, seriously he paid millions to go on the space shuttle, which of course the game failed closed down and all the people who spent money lost but not richard garriott, he blamed ncsoft for it failing and won $32,000,000 in a law suit against them.

Powerhouse Games like The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, Bioshock, Dark Souls, and many others Made awesome games with out all the Circus bullSh_t that Shroud of the Avatar guys have pulled, these guys spent more time dreaming up new ways to make money by pushing non game related stuff and too much virtual game items instead of getting down to what would make this game look and play good. because the majority of time spent on the game was for promoting Virtual items they failed to even have a presentable playable game after 3 years of working on it!
But hey those of you that paid $15,000 for that house deed and ran around to find a suitable plot to build your house after "Final Wipe", I say hope your kids don't grow hungry and may I suggest a cheaper version of building your house and running around cheering and jumping around----"Minecraft"!

Im sure Shroud of the Avatar will do their best to Ban this review because it exposes the truth of what has happened in the past with games made by these guys so be wary as you have been warned! These guys don't care about their consumers and the product that they are buying but only care how much money they can make by duping unexpected buyers into buying silly virtual items for the game instead of finishing the game and polishing it for existing new customers!

This Game needs an E_nema! Oh wait thats right, you can buy the remains of Richard Garriott's E_nema if you act now for a Paltry $20,000! But worry not Avatar's the funds go back into developing the game!

Overall rating for game: "G" = "Gimme" your money so I can laugh all the way to the Bank!

Final verdict: "A" = "Avoid" this like you would a junkie trying to jab your arm with his Dirty needle to ♥♥♥♥ your Blood out for his "Reliquary"!

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20 rating
This guide will let you customize your setting so that you can Zoom your camera view Out further than those that the game allows. NOTE:You will need to have the Windows setting on Show all Hidden Files and Folders. 1.Go to the folder: C:\Users\<YOUR_USER_N
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My Ragnar Lodbrok Character from Skyrim Special Edition. Its a collage of both real life and Skyrim Charcter pictures I put together. This was the best I could come up with the mods that are out at time of miking this.
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Infernoo 10 Mei @ 6:13am 
xpeka 8 Nov 2023 @ 10:18pm 
I didn't know you were the author of my favorite game from childhood, heroes 6, I would be more than honored if you would accept the request :steamhappy:
ECHOLOGY 21 Okt 2023 @ 4:40am 
Hello man: You have Dungeon Siege Collection game copy in your steam inventory. I could give you something in exchange for that. Added you to discuss a trade :crystal: :sfsmug:
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥 26 Jul 2023 @ 11:56pm 
:heartb:No legacy is so rich as honesty.
:heartg:It takes strength and courage to admit the truth.
:ai_wormhole:respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.
:ai_flare:The purpose of our lives is to be happy.
:crown1:Be happy, be bright, be you.
:THOTHSquare:Friendship is being there when someone's feeling low and not being afraid to kick them.
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥 4 Jul 2023 @ 3:35pm 
Happy independence day of United States, Please remember that day as the day from fight of freedom and rights of a free people. congratulations to that!

Remember the heros and liberators of All America like George Washington, Simon Bolivar, José de San Martín, Dom Pedro I of Brazil and many others, Glory for the freedom!
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥 8 Jun 2023 @ 11:48pm 
:ai_flare:Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery, bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice, the spirit of self-sacrifices creates trust in the power of love.
:BB_Cup:Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, love is gained and loyalty is returned.
:heartb:friends are the family you choose.
:powersupply:sometimes your best feelings are found in the words which you type and never send.
:ucscompass:No virtue is more universally accepted as a test of good character than trustworthiness.
:heartg:To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.
:crown1:Hope is the one thing that can help us get through the darkest of items.