Wilson, North Carolina, United States
Im BlackSet, an artist but a gamer at heart. One of my favourte games is "Fallout3" for the Xbox360. I think i might be addicted to the thing but it doesnt mean i can play on steam too.

My stats for "Fallout3"

I have played fallout3 and i gotten to be the most evilest bastered there is. I think my karma is so low i cant lose anymore.

Karma:Very Evil "Purge of humanity"

Level 20

People Killed:523
Creatures Killed:450
Chems Taken:122
Times addicted:62
Corpes eaten:58
Locations found:55
Quest finshed:29
Weapons made:3
Rad-X Takin:92
Pants Exploaded:0
Sandman Kills:20
Speech Succeses:45
Bobbleheads Found:7
Melee attack:200
Lockpick:124 my best stats
Weapons useing most: Ripper minichainsaw / Fisto (power fist)
super sledgehammer/ Shotguns in general / Hunting rifle / AK47
Armor: OutCast Power Armor/Telsa armor
Followers:Jerico (killed by yoi guri)
Butch (I killed that bastered to lower my karma)

Thats my stats and ♥♥♥♥. enjoy
Currently Offline
Drake Lunari 12 Dec, 2009 @ 6:15pm 
indeed it was....
Shelf Stable Meatloaf 27 Apr, 2009 @ 4:03am 
I do beleive this account was hacked