“The power to cause pain is the only power that matters, the power to kill and destroy, because if you can't kill then you are always subject to those who can, and nothing and no one will ever save you.”
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Luvo 9 dec. 2018 la 2:20 
...(_).....Güden tog
...(_).....isch bin en hägga aus Leipzsch
.(_)....un diss iss en selbstprögrammirder
....(_)...bösartscher Compjuderwurm..
....(_)..Da isch noch net sö viel weeß vom Compjuder
...(_)...iss des en manueller Wurm.
.....(_)....Also löschen se bidde
...(_)...alle Dadeien von de Festpladde
.(_)....und schickese den Wurm
...(_) alle die se kennen.
Luvo 8 mai 2014 la 10:58