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Reseñas recientes de Bossu G

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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
3.7 h registradas
It's a simple yet fun dungeon crawler. Gameplay wise it's super simple, you left-click, that's it. But for the stat lovers, like me, that likes the good grind for loot to improve even if its just 1 point on armor or dmg for example, it's a very enjoyable game.
Publicada el 17 de agosto de 2021.
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3.0 h registradas (2.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
It could've been great, but it's not.

The controls usually respond well but the camera doesn't help, it shows too little for you to react. Sometimes there's a series of obstacles that are nearly impossible to go through without taking damage (i guess it's because is randomly generated but... is that an excuse?). On top of that you get baited a lot if you try to get all the cats because sometimes that path leads literally into a wall (like all the cats that you need to collect go up, so you jump, but there's a wall right there that requires you to dash below the wall, and you cannot see it comming because of the camera).

You have a few upgrades, which is good, but after the first ones you will have to grind... a lot. So it's frustrating because the feeling of progress is gone. You feel stuck grinding without a single upgrade for a looong time. And i don't mind grinding, don't get me wrong, in fact, i love grinding IF the gameplay is good.

Menus are bad, not very good looking and you have to wait a few seconds between clicks.
Music is not very good, you can get use to it, i guess.
Publicada el 1 de agosto de 2021. Última edición: 1 de agosto de 2021.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
0.8 h registradas (0.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
The art style is beautiful and the animation, wow, just amazing, old school animation vibes where every frame is hand drawn. Sadly i couldn't bear the gameplay, and im usually very patient, but the controls are very stiff. For a game that focus on a soulslike style fight it misses the key point, the feel that you are in control when you fight, that you got hit because of your lack of skill and not because it was badly designed or because the controls didn't respond well (also hitboxes, perspective, camera angles, etc.).

Maybe it can work for you, this is just a personal opinion, and the controls are not terrible by any means (i just got frustrated and i have played many very good soulslike games to accept this). Plus, graphically, art and animation are top quality. I haven't seen much of the story, but i heard is not bad. Maybe some other day i'll give it a third chance, but for the moment, i cannot recommend it.
Publicada el 31 de julio de 2021.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
4.3 h registradas
The last achievement (the nerd one) is grindy as hell, and 0% fun. It's not because it's time demanding, a lot, but it's just not a good minigame and you have to reach lvl 50 which is stupidly high (i got it though, i've been tortured). If you're a completist don't touch this.
Publicada el 29 de julio de 2021.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
22.4 h registradas
Addicting as hell. 10 bucks for the 22 hours that took me to get all the achievements it's totally worth it.
Also, very high replayability. Check it.
Publicada el 28 de julio de 2021.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
19.9 h registradas
Yes, yes and yes.

A tower defense with a twist. You get to be part of the defense! You can actively shoot your crossbow, throw your spells or go in with your sword. It's super fun.
There's a lot of variety when it comes to the traps, different types of enemies, maps and spells. You can upgrade your traps with the skulls you earn (depending on how well you do on the levels). There's a lot of solutions to each level, be creative.
A simple story and funny interactions with the orcs and the villain. Nothing spectacular but it's a nice detail that it's there.
Three difficulty levels (the nightmare one made me sweat, but hey, i completed it).
And it's relatively cheap and will give you at least 10 hours of fun (just for the main story on normal difficulty).
Publicada el 23 de julio de 2021.
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A 13 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
3.5 h registradas
I had fun... a little bit, but not enough. It's sad for me to say this, but i cannot recommend this game.
I had high spectations for this (well, not that high, but i expected it to be fun), but it falls under the mediocre videogame, and i really wanted to like it.

Story wise, hmm... it's some random sh*t, not relevant, and there's no problem with it. We came here for the SHOOT AT EVERYTHING! But there's the main problem, i came here for the gameplay, and the gameplay... it's mediocre.

Let's start with the positive points.
- Some people don't like the art style or graphics, i do.
- Shooting the guns itself, it's fun, you have variety and... well, that's it.

Everything else just doesn't work.
- The weapons aren't balanced, some are pretty much crap, and you'll use one or two that do decent damage.
- The weapon upgrades are just... uhh so dissapointing. A lot of filler upgrades just for the sake of it. Typical upgrades like "5% faster reload" or "5% rate of fire". And repeat this 5 times for each upgrade. You won't notice anything, useless. I mean, sure, it will be 5% faster but... ok?
- There's no interesting mechanics, and the ones that are in the game don`t work!
- The dash is fine i guess, but it's caothic and you are not encouraged to use it. I finished the game without using it, just to move faster through already visited areas.
- The "use melee attack to reflect bullets" just doesn't work, i tried it a lot of times, and i mean a lot. I died a lot of times just to try to make it work.
- The enemies are like sponges, or maybe most of the guns are useless (*ehem* shotgun), which kills the momentum and the purpose of going rambo and killing things. And because of the mechanics i think that's the point, this is a casual game, more straight forward to just killing, but it becomes just tedious.

It could have been awesome but fails on it's basics (for the aimed genre i mean).
Publicada el 15 de julio de 2021. Última edición: 24 de julio de 2021.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
2.6 h registradas
I feel like a scammer for playing this game for free. Man, it is good.
It took me 2 hours or a little bit more to get the 10 steam achievements. But those 2 hours were damn good.
If you like puzzles or taking a good challenge for your brain, this is it. It also has some levels were it puts the "puzzle with limited moves" theme aside, and instead gives you something to test your reaction time (and memory, because at some point, your reflexes won't be enough, trust me).

It's not groundbreaking, but it is great, it's free, and... hey, the protagonist is trying to get demong girls, c'mon.
Publicada el 11 de julio de 2021. Última edición: 11 de julio de 2021.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
46.2 h registradas
Si te gusta poner a prueba tus capacidades de gestión (sobre todo del estrés), llevar un restaurante, poner a prueba tu velocidad de reacción o memoria, es el juego correcto. Con mejoras tanto de equipamiento y de los platos en sí (me gustan las mejoras, todo lo que se pueda hacer upgrade, voy a por ello), objetivos para sumar estrellas a tu restaurante y que sea mas "fancy", y eventos/retos para poner a prueba tus skills como catering, un programa de cocina o una sociedad secreta de cocineros.

Ah, y también hay un programa de citas, por si quieres cocinarle algo a ese pivón que está esperando en la barra ;)
Publicada el 5 de julio de 2021.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
4.5 h registradas
Corto. Muy corto. 1 horita un playthrough normal como mucho, 4 horas (a mí) para el 100% de los logros, y eso porque he tenido que hacer 4 o 5 playthroughs porque me he saltado cosas todo el rato.

Y esa es la única pega que hay, la duración. Todo lo demás es bueno y está baratito, que siempre mola. Vale esas 1-4 horas.
Publicada el 5 de julio de 2021.
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