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Közzétéve: 2022. jan. 21., 6:17


A pretty tipical epic story (from zero to hero), a few side quests, simple mechanics (buying and selling stuff) and a decent ammount of "hidden" stuff to pick up. Even if it's super simple... it's good.

Graphics wise it reminds me a lot of AoE, it looks nice. And music it's ok, i didn't pay much attention which means it didnt bother me, so cool.

It took me almost 5 hours to get all the achievements. Finding all the collectibles is a bit of a pain since some can be really really hard to notice and there's no way to know in which scenario it is the one that you missed. I didn't notice any major problem with grinding, i collected most of the stuff on my journey as i was going through the scenarios, not everything, and i didnt need to grind at all (well, i like grinding, maybe i didnt notice. In any case you barely need to grind if you don't like it).

It's not a game that will change your life, but it can give you one or two sessions of fun, specially if you are a completionist like me.
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