DriveR ┌П┐◥◣_◢◤
Adam   Delray Beach, Florida, United States
Currently Offline
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Counter-Strike 2
┻┳| ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Want some candy?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡⊙ ͜ʖ ͡⊙) ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ Leviosa (╯ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ╯
( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)

(Otherwise you're just a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ that can't basicly read)

Info box
So you wanna get some info mate? heh lets do this.

Some informations good to know :
You can see me in , Team Fortress 2 , Waframe and mostly Counter Strike:Global Potatoe or other games like this.
About me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :

-My CS:GO Rank : MG

-My First CS GO Rank : GOLD NOVA 1
-Max CS GO Rank : MG2

-My Warframe rank : 15

-About general trade :
if you send me a trade invitation i will always look prices of any things you want to trade with me , so scammers can block me

-My hobbies are : Playing, making artworks, laging and crushing baddies.

-Are you still even reading at this point?

BOTS invitations and SCAM attempts are instantly spotted, trying is wasting your time.
PHISHING attemps are instantly spotted, trying is wasting your time.
FISHING attemps...get it?

Im not selling anything in my inventory.

This isn't a ranked list ,i just put very nice friends , generous and funny people here with a little description.

: One of the best brother you can get, he helped me to get better at cs:go and he has a gr8 music channel . Oh and ye ,he likes Lenny ,like meh .

Z3ml1s3r (R.A.D)
: A xXxxXXMLG_pro_playerxxXxxX , blaze it. He makes very good SFM posters and it's always funny to talk with him ,he has a youtube channel too (about music heh cuz i love listening to music )

DJ Pootis man
: A gr8 m8 that i r8 8/8 ,he is a god like snipar and a friendly 'n' funny one ,with him ,you can expect a nice respawn or a nice ragequit.

: What could i say about her , she is my fav engi and the coolest one ,i had a lot of fun playing with her and slendy :3 #slenderfortress2.Generous and awesome, much luv.

Darktoonlink / Defalt
: This frenchi m8 is a real badass, crushing and obliterating everything, and he is very generous.I have a lot of fun playing with him on any games, and he is not bad at all, you'll like this guy for sure cuz he is awesome ! Kiss brother !

: A good player and a funny one, we are making over 100 jokes per hours when we play together, and Im always happy to see him and Lenny is our guide.10/10 would get his connection too.

: My oldest friend, we met eachother very young, it's always a pleasure to talk and play with him, and he has the same "passion" for the soldier and the art of rocket jump !

: This fella is one of my best mates,we have a lot of fun playing together and we love making bad jokes ,cuz it's funny.

: This philosopher is very intersting ,we have a lot in common exept that he likes AMV videos.It's very cool to talk with him about everything :3

: A very nice guy, he is an old friend, we tried many things together, like streams , but we quickly forgot it cuz we were too lazy.

: A MLG arts fan, his ideas switch between good and bad ,we can't really know ,sometimes he is stoopid ,sometimes he isn't. We can't guess what will happen with him but he is a good friend, so we can't get any probs with him exept when you will, top kek.

: This boy always makes me hungry when i play with him ,guess how. His reflexes as pyro are god-like because he's faster than your own rocket.He is also friendly and polite which is good to see in this world ! Oh and , a little add , you can trust him, as a good player / teammate whatever the game is, and as a good friend ,whoever you are.

: A very nice person, it's always cool to play with him cuz he isn't bad in-game (it doesn't mean that he isn't friendly).Oh and #mlg with him m8

: aka "sup?" or "green" ,this british guy is a sample text very cool mate, he was one of my first friend on steam , I met him few years ago when i first launched TF2 and i wouldn't remove him from my friend list for any reasons.

: Wow, what can i tell you about him , he has a beautifull (im lying) french accent when he speaks (most of the time , he uses the MLG grammar), he sings too, it sounds like ear rape sometimes but it's still funny to hear , he is a good heister , it's hard to loose with him.Well, this mad frenchie is a very gud friend :3.

: He is one of dah best SAUCE I've never seen ,it's always kinda funny to chat with him ,he is an interesting guy from a country I'd like to visit and live in : Canada, so ye ,if you don't know him, he also has a youtube channel and he makes very good animated , here is a link to his youtube channel ,you should check it : ; we have some doritos things in common , like the pleasure of making people happy.

: Mah best brotha in both real life and this virtual world, sometimes i almost think that he's a clone of me, or maybe I am the clone?

Unforgetable quotes
"One shot one kill just luck no skill"
"Easy peasy lemon squeezy"
"Are we rushin' in, or are we goin' sneaky-beaky like?”


Have a nice day folks !
-Me, myself and also myself and me featuring i.
Artwork Showcase
Bİ SES VAR 10 Apr, 2019 @ 2:33am 
Eljo:- 2 Feb, 2018 @ 1:45pm 
Trade Your CS:GO Cases For CS:GO keys! 4 CASE = 1 KEY https://♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.net/buy
V A ! R O S 29 Dec, 2017 @ 5:03am 
happy new year <3
Flex Tapp Remastered 15 Sep, 2017 @ 6:12pm 
Darktoonlink / Defalt
: This frenchi m8 is a real badass, crushing and obliterating everything, and he is very generous.I have a lot of fun playing with him on any games, and he is not bad at all, you'll like this guy for sure cuz he is awesome ! Kiss brother !
huh ?
Radek 10 Sep, 2017 @ 10:09am 
Darewill 10 Sep, 2017 @ 8:45am