Beverage   United States
Trade URL

Hey there. No, I do not have JUST the amount of hours displayed. I have over 1000 past hours. This is an alternate account to start over and begin trading from scratch. Currently doing Scrap-To-Unusual! and have a fairly good start so far.

* Traded from a scrap up to two keys. 11/14/16-11/18/16

The "A Rather Festive Tree" is my trademark, I love it. The only reason I am scraping to an unusual is to get an unusual one.

Want to learn how to convert scrap to keys relatively easily? Add me up.

Moose is a son of a ♥♥♥♥. <3

How Moose and I's Convos go

!m-DP Moose ツ: YOU aldmeri piece of ♥♥♥♥ :p
!m-DP Moose ツ: xdddd
!m-DP Moose ツ: what w your big ass nose thats x2 ur ♥♥♥♥ size LMAAAAOOOOO
!m-DP Moose ツ: ;)
!m-DP Bevs :^): [ ] NOT REKT [X] REKT
!m-DP Moose ツ: rekt
!m-DP Bevs :^): Thats why youre a woodelf nd have to ♥♥♥♥ sheep
!m-DP Moose ツ: goin mudboggin i see
!m-DP Bevs :^): XD
!m-DP Bevs :^): me?
!m-DP Bevs :^): Mudboggin?
!m-DP Moose ツ: ayy i get less resistance from sheep
!m-DP Bevs :^): HAHAJAJHA

Currently Offline
Ghetto Blaster 12 Dec, 2016 @ 4:13pm 
I would really like to join Merc'D-UP UGC Highlander team,

Why Im qualified:
1. I have multiple mains;
*Soldier(Main main),
*Engineer(Defence Main)
*Heavy(Tanking and diversion)
2. I have past-experience in 6's(Will refer you if neccessary)
3. I want to play tf2 more seriously(I invested in an Aussie Rocket Launcher I mean... COMEON!)

Thank You for taking the time to even read this,

The Sarge,

p.s: I would be honored if you let me join your team
KayaSaur 7 Dec, 2016 @ 11:15pm 
i want to talk about entering your team, please accept my friend request i will tell you why you need me
Lucasarty | 16 Nov, 2016 @ 8:20am 
Hail 15 Nov, 2016 @ 8:34am 
Ash 14 Nov, 2016 @ 7:54am 
Enjoy the new black box huehuehue ;*
Manic 12 Nov, 2016 @ 9:12pm 