Orio 8 Jan, 2020 @ 11:20am 
Hi :vanilla2:
S L i PP Y 6 Aug, 2019 @ 9:34pm 
+ Rep He would rather commit suicide than play with me... FeelsBadMan, still a very honorable and cool dude
Silvertonio09 23 Apr, 2019 @ 9:09am 
+rep a teamplayer and a really nice survivor:lunar2019piginablanket:
Voo~ 6 Jan, 2019 @ 4:22pm 
Louie118 [DEAF] 4 Oct, 2018 @ 7:06pm 
+rep teamwork and help other teammate <3 I would like to play with her/him
Orion Invictus 24 Jul, 2018 @ 9:39am 
Sadness. Saíste com os outros. :(
Orion Invictus 24 Jul, 2018 @ 9:36am 
Bem vindo ao meu lobby (sim, estás nele agora mesmo). Boa sorte. ;)
Orio 7 Jul, 2018 @ 1:07pm 
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Orio 24 Jun, 2018 @ 4:06am 
hey filipe !!!!!! enjoy ya day
Orio 7 Nov, 2017 @ 9:50am 
Hey got you Some Undies :bakapan: to match your profile
Orio 24 Oct, 2017 @ 7:28am 
you stink ~ :sakurabeachmomokolaugh:
Mobzter #1893 9 Oct, 2017 @ 11:35am 
Vê coisas decentes pah :Goku:
Mobzter #1893 15 May, 2017 @ 5:18pm 
Otaku :boomer:
chill guy 14 Sep, 2015 @ 4:07pm 
───▄▄██▌█ + REP + REP + REP + REP + REP + REP ...
▄▄▄▌▐██▌█ + REP + REP + REP + REP + REP + REP ...
papasssito 6 Jul, 2015 @ 9:22am 
Awesome man :333 nice music :DD
Omyth 17 Dec, 2014 @ 1:51pm 
Que lindo!
Zic80 3 May, 2014 @ 4:57am 
Ficava mal não teres nenhum comentario.