Lucklet   Yalta, Krym, Ukraine
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Vetrina immagini
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500 ESP
Achievement   33 di 33
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Di: Sherl
12.460 valutazioni
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don't call me nice
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Vetrina delle recensioni
7,5 ore di gioco
"I'm not a thief. I just borrow things permanently."
- Marisa

That's how true Metroidvania game should look like. But i just can't call this game a "total metroidvania", just because Touhou Luna Nights have much more similarities with classical "castlevania" games, than with "metroid". And that's why this game is so great, it just like Team Ladybug borrow a random popular "metroidvania" game and threw out all bad stuff, adding more epicness and freaking time control mechanic, which made this game so surprisingly fun and original in this genre, game is not so long as their comparable opponents in '-vanias' genre, but that's even good, because Touhou Luna Nights just can not annoy you with similar gameplay for hours, like it was in f.e. Hollow Knight. Firstly my friend send this game as a gift, when Touhou Luna Nights was only an unpolished and raw, with only 30 min gameplay, i wasn't really into it and totally forgot about existence of this game, but i saw this game in "recently updated" category and was shocked in a good way, how this game evolved in a masterpiece of whole genre.
Whole gameplay is not build around one thing like in recent 'metroidvania' games, but combines a lot of puzzles and great combat mechanics. Moderately hard, if you already played 'castlevania' like games - Touhou Luna Nights would not be a problem for you at all. All enemies in this game are so delightful, that was a total pleasure to run across all locations without any annoy, that's a really big plus for a game from this genre. All bosses in this game are total masterpiece, i've seen a lot of work made upon creating those bosses in both ways, graphics and mechanics. Sometimes, even such a casual player like me, wanted to try 'marisa' boss 3 or 4 more times just because whole fight is so astonishing. I've could say something about storyline of the game, but even with inspiration from Touhou universe you can understand "why?" all this things in game "just happens", but still, knowing a thing or two about Touhou is quietly appreciated. BGM in game was also borrowed from already knows tracks like "Bad Apple", which is not bad, but even amazingly good, because when you fighting with epic boss with same epic BGM - it is such a pleasure so i can't even describe this with simple words and only one thing coming into my mind - "Just buy it, it worth every single penny you waste on this game". Thank you.
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Yuppie Psycho
Attività recente
6,7 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 11 nov
200 ESP
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1,8 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 11 nov
500 ESP
Achievement   0 di 27
421 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 14 ott
HyenaSPC 29 gen 2018, ore 13:41 
ya kohayu tebe