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投稿日: 2020年9月4日 16時56分

In all honestly, the game's alright. It's the mods what make this game great, it shaves all the imperfections away making it a more enjoyable experience. And there's such a variety of stuff to do now, there's multiple maps and servers giving you tons of ways to play this game: PvP, PvE, RP.
And in all fairness, the Devs are actually putting in work now by focusing on updating the game with more consistency then what they used to be like so hopefully they dont mess up again and keep it up.
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4 件のコメント
Weedsmell 2020年9月9日 0時08分 
actually devs said they are going to make even less updates per year, not that they did too many before.
so if you expected faster development now, i'm sorry but is not happening, modders on the other hand may do something with it, but as far as devs go ''its dead jim''
darrterr4 2020年9月8日 22時57分 
Hackers flying across map speed hacking, wall hacking, aim botting. I will spend hours gathering survival supplies and looting military bases only to be killed by a hacker in about 1 minute and losing everything. I have over 1200 hours playing this game - I love it, but at this point the hackers have started taking over the game and taking all the joy out of it. It's disappointing and I'm ready to find a game similar knowing the Dev's actually do something about security control.
MrRag3r 2020年9月7日 21時38分 
Devs do nothing about hackers
Chrisoo 2020年9月4日 17時32分 
Good review! Where you been man on the Stalker rp server? Not seen you for a while man