Eb-Rb Admin
Ez Boomer ReportBot Admin
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你是否因为游戏中遇到挂壁而导致一句游戏失败?你是否遇到过无所畏惧的小陀螺?为什么很多人还没有被VAC?因为举报人数不够所以上不了监管。欢迎大家加入EZ Boomer Reportbot,机器人会对你提供的号进行20次以上举报,30min-1day直接上监管。为了绿色的游戏环境出一份力,你只需要提供1个CSGO游戏的CDK。PS:机器人使用 :无提供者←提供者←小官员
群号:628085485 加群请备注你的STEAM id,游戏CDK私聊我 BOY
本群组无任何盈利性质,目前所有cdk流动已经公开在群里,正在筹划EB RPbot的网站链接,之后会免费面向所有csgo国内玩家

(Have you ever failed a game because of the wall hanging in the game? Have you ever met a fearless little top? Why haven't many people been VAC? Because the number of reports is not enough, so can not go on the supervision. Welcome to join the EZ Boomer Reportbot, the robot will provide you with more than 20 times reported, 30min-1day direct supervision. For a green game environment, you need only 1 CSGO games to provide CDK. Provide 8 CSGO games CDK, you can get BOT group moderator position )
Provide CSGO games CDK users add me :csgostar: