i got a bread, like hella bread
:s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg:welcome on my profile:Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::Aegg::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line::s_line:
Country - Poland
Discord - NotShoke
YouTube - Not Shoke
i love booba
Soundcloud - NotShoke (@5761)
Twitch - Not_Shoke
TikTok - SystemLocker
Playing cs since - 2016 (i have old acc)
488 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 17 พ.ย.
222 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 17 พ.ย.
13.5 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 17 พ.ย.
yellowpapers; nosy 10 พ.ย. @ 3: 24pm 
nie hejtuj shoke ty cfelu jebany grubusiu co fit sałatki wpierdala na kamrze
kubus grubus. 10 พ.ย. @ 1: 58pm 
-rep c-el j-bany giga gej nie umie grac smiec💦💦💦💕💕☪👅👅
Артур Пирожков 17 ต.ค. @ 11: 51am 
бустится с читом
pizdusultimus38291q 8 ต.ค. @ 10: 55am 
-rep glupi femboy giga gej
yellowpapers; nosy 5 ส.ค. @ 5: 57pm 
██]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete.....
████████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 35% complete....
████████████]]]]]]]]]]]] 60% complete....
█████████████████] 99% complete.....

🚫ERROR!🚫 💯True💯 Brothers of Islam are irreplaceable ☪I could never delete you Brother!💖 Send this to ten other 👪Mujahideen👪 who would give their lives for ﷲAllahﷲ Or never get called ☁️Brother☁️ again If you get
0 Back: Juhanam for you 🚫†✡🚫
3 back: you're off the martyr list☁️💦
5 back: you have pleased Allah greatly☪💦
10+ back: JANAHﷲ!ﷲ!💕💕☪👅👅
kubus grubus. 31 ก.ค. @ 12: 07pm 
-rep he isnt a good guy, i played against him and won but he was toxic.