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Recent reviews by BLAZZEKI

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34.9 hrs on record (26.4 hrs at review time)
i liek play gaem
Posted 25 January, 2021.
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972.1 hrs on record (19.7 hrs at review time)
Over 1k hours on Origin.
p fun game.
Earn a new character roughly every 20 levels, but if you are just starting out I'd recommend the $40 USD Champions Pack.
in-game, character call-out, communication, and ping system are amazing.
Head to the Apex Legends Discord server if you want to get a pre-made squad or duo going: discord.gg/apexlegends
Posted 15 November, 2020.
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1,078.3 hrs on record (991.3 hrs at review time)
game gud, peeps h8 kuz they suckled from Overwatch's teet and can no longer think clearly due to milky milky.
Posted 7 January, 2020.
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7,851.5 hrs on record (3,017.8 hrs at review time)
Well, I'm not going to lie to ya. This game is da BOMB! I really like the PvE aspect of the game. Find yourself a clan and some friends to play with and perhaps assist you in your journey as a Tenno. Have I put money into the game? Yes. Do you have to put money into the game? No. I know people that have not purchased a single piece of Platinum In-Game Currency. Although, if you have little time to play the game and wish to keep up with your friends or clannies, Platinum In-Game Currency goes a long way. I most use it for buying slots, but hey you can outright purchase new characters or trade with other Tenno for New Primed Characters, Weapons, and Modification Cards. But hey, if you ever need some m8 to play with or a kewl clan to hang with hmu in-game @ BLAZZEKI
Also, if you create an account from the link below, you'll start out with a Week-Long Experience and Credit In-Game Currency Double Boosters! PLUG PLUG PLUG


Baba Booey Baby!

2812 hours in-game at time of Review: Wish I had done one earlier

This game is still amazing. Bumping for reasons.
Posted 3 August, 2015. Last edited 1 March, 2016.
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217.4 hrs on record (138.3 hrs at review time)
Y u gotta go on sale as I purchase a few weeks befoar??? Good game tho
Posted 30 June, 2014.
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245.7 hrs on record (63.3 hrs at review time)
Outstanding Work 2K! You have surpassed the first Borderlands in many aspects! Trying to get the Class of 2017 of the United States Military Academy at West Point to join in on the fun! #WestPointVaultHunters
Posted 7 December, 2013.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries