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Syncing schedule is a pain, that much is obvious. Your time is limited, as is mine, despite me not showing it. That's why I'm so greedy you know? One day, time will completely run out...

"All of our stories; connect for a few seconds at the very least. Some of you guys are here longer, some of you guys are here for like a few seconds. But, like you literally get to see a glimpse of me and if I'm lucky I get to see a glimpse of you."

Do not squander the happiness you can share with them by insisting and bringing suffering upon yourself.
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これはEN、scuff wa foreverです。
Hi~ you've encountered the wandering malevolent calamity extraordinaire.
Have you come to become my next victim?
Wait- why are you running away? I'll curse you!

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【FFXIV】M4S Clear (Week 1)
Review Showcase
The Good
  • Amazing new artwork
  • Remixed versions of old KnS BGMs by MANYO
  • The voice acting and sound design are very nice
  • Very good background stories on subsequent playthroughs
  • Routes are portrayed very well even for wrong/false endings

The Bad
  • Investigations can sometimes be very specific on where to examine
  • Given the fact that it's the series finale, it's saddening to not see certain characters get more screentime.
  • A certain hospital doctor deserves worse

If you're reading this VN without a patch, you're doing it wrong...
After 12 years since reading Kara no Shoujo 1 (The Shell 1) from Mangagamer, I was finally able to finish reading this trilogy. I was a bit worried about how the well the game would conclude after feeling a bit indifferent about how KnS 2 was, but this VN concludes the series in an acceptable manner while making me enjoy the cast from KnS 2 more than I did prior.

If you're stopping after the first playthrough, you're doing it wrong...
As you go through the VN: the new style of artwork, the remixes of old BGMs by MANYO from KnS 1 & 2, and the voice acting all come together very well in presenting the conclusion of this series. There's a pretty even balance of the murder mystery vibe from KnS 1 (though not as dreadful feeling) and the somewhat leisure storytelling from KnS 2 nicely packed into the story. Although the actual mysteries weren't very difficult to solve: I think I would attribute that more towards both being used to the VNs after 1&2 and Shiravune making presenting evidence and investigations less tedious. KnS has done an amazing job of providing side stories for some characters in the series during additional playthroughs and KnS 3 is no different: each new scenario that wasn't around during the first playthrough leaves you hoping for more. My favorite feeling from reading KnS 1 is how easy it is to get swept into thinking that you've gotten the true ending, as the writing occasionally tends to lead you into a false sense of security that you're on the right track: only to either throw a bad ending in your face or outright make you think you finished the game only to realize it wasn't the true end. KnS 3 doesn't really seem to do that, rather each of the actual endings of the game seem to act more like varying breadcrumbs of events that likely happen after the story's conclusion.

Overall, in spite of the story being significantly more tame than previous parts: Kara no Shoujo 3 is an enjoyable conclusion to the series and still leaves me desiring more suspenseful psychological drama from Innocent Grey.

Heavy SpoilersRokushiki's end despite how "reasonable" it was, went off WAY too easily for how important he is as a character. Despite all the things Fumiya has done to become maybe the most hateable character in the entire series, he seems to outright disappear at the end.
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