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Преглед на глобалните статистики за постижения
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8 от 40 (20%) достигнати постижения:
Лични постижения

Blood Artist

Complete your first Deathcard.
Откл. на 22 февр. в 23:05

Innocuous Insect

Free a Stinkbug from the safe.
Откл. на 23 февр. в 19:53

Uncage the Menagerie

Free the Wolf Statue from its cage.
Откл. на 24 февр. в 16:12

Enduring Victory

Defeat Leshy.
Откл. на 24 февр. в 23:53

Miner's Bane

Defeat The Prospector.
Откл. на 22 февр. в 17:44

Grizzled Angler

Defeat The Angler.
Откл. на 23 февр. в 23:46

Face to Face

Defeat The Trapper and The Trader.
Откл. на 24 февр. в 15:39

Squirrel Wrangler

Win a battle with damage from Squirrels.
Откл. на 24 февр. в 22:32

Gruesome Encore

Allow The Mycologists to experiment on a creature that is already itself an experiment.

Role Reversal

Steal back one of your creatures from The Angler.

Dubious Challenge

Clear Challenge Level 1 in Kaycee's Mod.

Taunting Challenge

Clear Challenge Level 4 in Kaycee's Mod.

Roar of Challenge

Clear Challenge Level 8 in Kaycee's Mod.

Rise to the Challenge

Clear Challenge Level 12 in Kaycee's Mod.

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