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caedrel is my supp 12 aout 2019 à 0h29 
cancerous player . kick him if he is in ur team ! :steammocking:
caedrel is my supp 12 aout 2019 à 0h29 
- rep, no callouts and no map awareness, buys deagle every round, thinks he's kennys
caedrel is my supp 12 aout 2019 à 0h28 
been 1 year since 2017.. yet skill level remains at silver or possibly worse. kick asap
caedrel is my supp 12 aout 2019 à 0h28 
scrub at dust II and every possible maps .. silver in mm hopefully he gets vac so no cancer is spread
baiter 31 déc. 2017 à 9h16 
been 1 year since 2017.. yet skill level remains at silver or possibly worse. kick asap
lerej 19 déc. 2017 à 9h03 
scrub at dust II and every possible maps .. silver in mm hopefully he gets vac so no cancer is spread