Archmage Momo
Momo   Vienna, Wien, Austria
My Name's Momo (duh :tbpblush:).

As I am not that active on Steam (:tbpsad:) It doesn't look like i play a lot of stuff, but I sure as hell do.

The title? 'Archmage' :tbpwtf:? It started as a joke, but as I play best as a Mage in any game, it got reality (virtually tho :tbpwink:). Now my whole RP character theme is based off 'The Academy of Mages' and me as its Archmage. Wanna join us? Prove your worth :tbpgloomy:.

You may have noticed it already, but TBP is my favourite game :tbphappy:.

That's all for now. See you around sometime! :feena:
Currently Online
ThievingRaccoon 25 Apr, 2020 @ 2:37pm 
You must be a monk, 'cuz I feel like I've been hit by a stunning strike. ^^
Speci 25 Apr, 2020 @ 2:11pm 
*schmeißt eine :Barofsoap: auf den Boden* und schaut dich an. ^-^
Minato 18 Apr, 2020 @ 4:22pm 
Du kleiner schnuckel bär <3