Jeremiah   United States
Ask me about my relationship with Jesus Christ.
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Some sayings
It's amazing, the way things happen to affect our lives. Only a few words stand between complete strangers and lifelong friends. An ounce of courage has the potential to multiply into an abundance of happiness. Those tiny choices with branching effects lead to the biggest decisions—the ones that make all the difference in the world.

"I think I like the idea of not being single better than I would like the reality of it..."
--- Anonymous

"Impulses like that, I answered myself, that seemed to come from nowhere, they weren't really impulses at all, they were decisions already made but waiting for an opportunity to be spoken aloud."
--- ♥♥♥♥ Francis, Second Wind

"Well, brains don't necessarily accompany passion. In fact, they might often have an inverse relationship."
--- Brandon Sanderson, Firefight

"He's just a man, despite it all. A man full of feelings that, at times, don't make sense. We're all like that. We want what we can't have, even when we have no right to demand it."
--- Brandon Sanderson, Firefight

"You've hired the lion to protect you from the wolves, but either will be happy to eat you once the food runs out."
--- Brandon Sanderson, Firefight

"Oh, you're dangerous. Just not in the way that they—or you—think. You're dangerous because you make people believe you, David. You make them listen to your crazy ideas. Unfortunately, the world can't be what you want it to be."
--- Brandon Sanderson, Firefight

"...well, the world was a different place. Or I guess it was the same place—I just saw it a little more accurately."
--- Brandon Sanderson, Firefight

"I don't know why we all hang on to something we know we're better off letting go of. It's like we're scared to lose what we don't even really have. Some of us say we'd rather have something than absolutely nothing, but the truth is, to have it halfway is harder than not having it at all."
--- Meredith Grey

"'See, when Amy likes you, when she's interested in you, her attention is so warm and reassuring and entirely enveloping. Like a warm bath.'
I raised my eyebrows.
'Bear with me,' he said. 'You feel good about yourself. Completely good, for maybe the first time. And then she sees your flaws, she realizes you're just another regular person she has to deal with. So her interest fades, and you stop feeling good, you can feel that old coldness again, like you're naked on the bathroom floor, and all you want is to get back in the bath.'" --- Gillain Flynn, Gone Girl . The reason I think this is worth quoting because it describes how relationships feel. And maybe how some are special, because the interest fading thing doesn't happen, and it's like that always--and that's what love is.

"It seemed to me that there was nothing new to be discovered ever again. Our society was utterly, ruinously derivative. We were the first human beings who would never see anything for the first time. We stare at wonders of the world, dull-eyed, underwhelmed. Mona Lisa, the Pyramids, the Empire State Building. Jungle animals on attack, ancient icebergs collapsing, volcanoes erupting. I can't recall a single amazing thing I have seen firsthand that I didn't immediately reference to a movie or TV show. A f****** commercial. You know the awful singsong of the blasé: Seeeeen it. I've literally seen it all, and the worst thing, the thing that makes me want to blow my brains out, is: The secondhand experience is always better. The image is crisper, the view is keener, the camera angle and the soundtrack manipulate my emotions in a way reality can't anymore. I don't know that we are actually human at this point, those of us who are like most of us, who grew up with TV and movies and now the Internet. If we are betrayed, we know the words to say; when a loved one dies, we know the words to say. If we want to play the stud or the smart-ass or the fool, we know the words to say. We are all working from the same dog-eared script." --- Gillain Flynn, Gone Girl

Success starts with commitment. Everything flows from that.

Accept the present before imagining what might be.

Look for a good intention behind apparently unkind behavior.

"Everything and everyone is on your side if you decide to see it that way."

"Life is not anything; it is only the opportunity for something. It is what you bring to life that is significant--not what life brings to you." ---Friedrick Hebbel

''Ultimate power is the ability to produce the results you desire most and create value for others in the process. Power is the ability to change your life, to shape your perceptions, to make things work for you and not against you. Real power is shared, not imposed. It's the ability to define human needs and to fulfil them – both your needs and the needs of the people you care about. It's the ability to direct your own personal kingdom – your own thought processes, your own behaviour – so you produce the precise results you desire.''
---Anthony Robbins ( Unlimited Power )

Instead of complaining that rose bushes have thorns, rejoice that thorn bushes have roses.

It's never too late to start fighting to change your life for good.

"Have you never experienced yourselves, my friends, the way in which conscience becomes blunted? Have you never first looked upon some foul thing with horror, and then slipped into that thing by insensible degrees, so that what seemed wrong to you before is now treated as a matter of course, until at some sad hour you come to yourself and see that you are already wallowing in the mire?" ---John Gresham Machen

It's not happy people who are thankful. It's thankful people who are happy.

Even Duct tape can't fix stupid...But it can muffle the sound.

"A goal without a plan is just a wish." ---Antoine de Saint-Exupery

You've never experienced true loss. Because that only occurs when you lose something you care more about than yourself.

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

Love begins when another person's wellbeing becomes more important than your own.

"Once or twice this side of death
Things can make one hold his breath."
--- Robert P. Tristram Coffin (from Crystal Moment )

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster." ---Friedrich Nietzsche

A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable "To My Country" for an amount "up to and including my life."

"You don't stop playing because you get old... You get old because you stop playing."

"Sometimes, the things that may or may not be true, are the things that a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good. That honor, virtue and courage mean everything; that money and power, power and money, mean nothing. That good always triumphs over evil. And remember this, this is the most important: true love ... True love never dies. It doesn't matter if those things are true. A man needs to believe in them, because those are the things worth believing in."
— Hub McCann (Robert Duvall), Secondhand Lions

"If music be the food of love, play on." ---William Shakespeare

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why." ---Mark Twain

"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." ---Bob Marley

"You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take." ---Wayne Gretzky

"If you find a path without obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere." ---Frank A. Clark

"Without music, life would be a mistake." ---Friedrich Nietzsche

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ---Betty Smith

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." ---Helen Keller

"Every failure is a step to success." --
Anarath 5 Apr, 2021 @ 8:04pm 
sup bro, lets play together, send me a friend request pls
Tom Cruise 13 Jun, 2020 @ 4:40pm 
-rep has a huge penis
Samantha 17 Jun, 2017 @ 12:05pm 
I just started playing css again after 2 years and I played on the minigame server and I was playing on the map you created a long time ago, hope you're doing fine stay happy and healthy! ;)
Gonkly Binkle 26 May, 2016 @ 8:04pm 
with all the quotes on your profile i would make you out to be a reporter, journalist, or maybe even a philospher. " this meat should give you a good old rub, so stroke the meat until you beat the heat " ~ ainsley harriot :steamsad:
piggles 9 Apr, 2016 @ 8:56am 
hi miss u :sfsmug:
Luna🌙 18 Apr, 2015 @ 11:53pm 
+rep2rep to m8!!! :psystar: