尺乇ムレ 刀ムᄊ乇   Hayward, California, United States
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Aphelle in Hoarfrost
Review Showcase
First I'll say that this game needs work. For being an Early access game it does things well and does A LOT of things not so well. (Also I came back and edited this review because I did forget some crucial stuff)

Now first I'll start with talking about the positives.

- Art: The art is really nice in this game. There seems to be a lot of work put into the artwork and I found them really beautiful especially the character portraits. Even the models look pretty good but there are a few models are just a bit too stiff or weird texture lighting but I'll touch on that later.

-Voice acting: The voice acting in this game is pretty good. Seems like the Japanese voice actors did a good job with this game but as to why they only used Japanese voice actors? I really don't know why but its good.

-Music: The music is pretty nice for the most part. It's serviceable and sometimes with the right scenery it can be really beautiful.

-Concepts: Some concepts I think they did get right was the combat. Sure its a bit wonky at times but they can get pretty cool. You can switch weapons using up, down and left on the D pad. As you progress through the game you gain more "Dark Souls" which are used to upgrade each weapon's levels which unlock more combos to them, which are pretty neat. Adding the combos with the grappling mechanics, which pulls you or enemies to you or them, can help you pull off some really cool stuff.

Now I'll talk about my gripes with this game.

-Optimization: The optimization for this game is kinda bad. I had one crash from entering the "loading area" and the other crash happening in the middle of combat in the second area. This made me lost my save and I had to restart the game all over again twice. I have a GTX 1070ti and this game has huge frame drops. Especially when you enter an area with monsters spawning.

- Mechanics: The game mechanics, need some tinkering. For the record I did try to play this with keyboard and mouse but the controls were a bit wonky so I used a Xbox controller instead. Aside from the controls in combat, the menu controls are interesting to say the least. You navigate through your inventory tabs by using RB and LB and then LT and RT to navigate the sub tabs, then in order to select an item in that sub tab you need to press right on the D pad. I hope they make better controls for this or at least let us remap them. The camera can also be kinda frustrating sometimes but it's manageable.

-Animations: Some of the animations are WAY too stiff. Like sometimes you'd see in cut-scenes, characters walking with their arms stiff like twigs. Its kinda off-putting but not too major. The combat on the other hand can feel a bit slow because of the animations which can really slow your role a bit but that might just be me. Even the monsters have some weird animations and can sometimes be stuck in a falling animation due to your combos.

-Platforming: So there is a platforming area in the second level which I kinda disliked. Don't get me wrong I love platforming but the execution was kinda poor. When you hop from platform to platform you kinda slow down a bit in mid-air after jumping and it can kinda throw you off. It's really annoying and I hope they find a fix for that but that's just a inconvenience and is still doable.

- English translations: The English translations are just odd and kinda funny to read. They just need to fix sentence structures and clean it up. Then it could be more passable.

- Story: The story was just hard to follow especially with the English translations being kinda weird. So hopefully they fix that and add on to the story to make it more understandable. (But that might be because I only played like an hour, so take that with a grain of salt)

-Invisible Walls: The invisible walls are kinda annoying. I'd walk past a certain area and can't walk back. No I'm not talking about the walls that block you in when your fighting enemies, I mean the invisible walls when your continue progression in the area. Some areas your just forced to go forward and not go back even though you can clearly just walk back.

-Bugs: So I came across some bugs while playing this game, some of them game breaking some of them not. First the execution moves. Sometimes if you pull an execution move on an enemy it sometimes glitches you into the floor either making you stuck there or popping you up into the sky out of nowhere. This really breaks my flow of combat and sometimes momentum breaking. The sounds and effects in the game can also break your ears when you use magic skills. For example using the Scythe's LT move on a group of enemies can break the sound barrier and create this horrible crunching sound. Now for the save system, I'm not sure if this was suppose to be like this, but apparently in order to save your game you have to open the options menu and then going to the saves tab but that doesn't work out so well. I saved in the second area right before the bridge and decided to cross the bridge and just crashed. For a second I was relieved that I saved before the bridge but then realized that my saves were gone. Saves 3 and 4 were gone and only Saves 1 and 2 were there. Not sure if this was suppose to happen or it's just buggy. Edit: Found another bug where the camera can glitch into your character's body after a execution and can force you to load back a checkpoint. Also got a glitch with the first boss where I couldn't advance past the bridge because of an invisible wall thinking I didn't kill the boss even though I did.

From what I've read these guys have been working on this game for awhile. These guys started as a small group in High School and are now College students. So good luck to the developers and their future projects. Anyways for now I'll recommend this game in hopes that the developer will actually try and make this game great. BUT if this game doesn't improve within the next year or so... I'll have to change my review of this game.

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