
AnxietyYT 最近的评测

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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 6,369.8 小时 (评测时 431.9 小时)
After playing PUBG for a while, I decided to play some of the casual mode and quickly noticed that my skill level was horrible, I was getting wiped by 4 Man Clans every game, so I decided to try the bot lobby's, thinking that there will be bots so I can practice my aim and accuracy, I thought that it would be a bit easier to progress my skills seeing as there are around 88 bots and a max of 12 players, only to find that 4 Man Clans/Smurfs/Cheaters were very common in those games, Every game I done with those lobbies I would be instantly wiped, it has gotten to the point were as a player just trying to improve, I am unable to live long enough to do so and there for the fun has stopped as well.

I would not recommend this game if you are a solo, if you have a clan that can carry you for the first while whilst you get your bearings, till you can hold your own so to speak then I recommend playing, but if you are just a solo don't bother, its just a waste of time.
发布于 2024 年 2 月 23 日。
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总时数 46.4 小时 (评测时 28.6 小时)
I would not recommend this game just from my experience as I do not like it for many reasons.

1. Motivation, the only real motivation I have at the moment to play the game is gun camo's, which the only way to do that effectively is to play shipment and something that it has made me realise is that I can't ever imagine playing this game for fun,
when I am playing it is solely because I want to try and get more guns gold but I have to admit that motivation is starting to be worth less with the more time I play.

2. I feel like this game is not worth anything near £60, this experience makes me miss the days of a game on a disk at least then you had the ability to sell the game.

3. The way the main menu is set up is horrible, it is designed to be confusing and difficult, changes are made to the game and no notes or messages are provided in game as to what has been changed.

4. The guns do not feel balanced in the slightest when you have shotguns that gun 1 tap a player from over 220M away and Pistols that can out damage an M16 there is a problem, I can get killed by 2 bullets to the head and 2 to the chest from a X12 Pistol, but with the M16 it takes 6 to the head and 6 to the chest.

If someone is thinking about getting this game, I would wait 10 years till the price goes down significantly because if someone was to ask me how much I would say this game is worth I would say £20 at best.
发布于 2022 年 12 月 31 日。
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总时数 13.7 小时 (评测时 3.9 小时)
I would not recommend this game just from my beta experience as I do not like it for many reasons.

1. Every map can be both TDM and Demolition, I feel like there should be separate maps for them because there are really no maps that are best suited for using snipers or DMR's.

2. I would only recommend this game if you can and are prepared to fully sweat and camp as going into this I had high hopes that it would be like MW2 but it just feels like there are too many sweats and campers that are just around every corner.

3. The Weapons are very much in favour of SMG's as if you are using an LMG's, Sniper's or even an AR, The time it takes for you to ADS, You are already dead.

4. There are many bugs in the game with the game crashing roughly every 45 minutes it makes it hard to have motication to play with everything else, Another bug is when you are in a game and it gives you a flashing error when you die and it will last around 10 seconds before resetting you're kill streaks if you had any.

5. The weapon unlock system is a bit confusing and annoying as to unlock attachments for the M4, you have to level up the DMR Recon and the other variants to simply get attachments for the gun you want to use.

6. It seems like there is no wall in this game that you can not shoot through, I have spawned and been killed by a player killing my team mate through roughly 2-3 walls, I think like wooden walls you should be able to shoot through but like stone brick walls and everything else I think should stop bullets not go right through them.

7. The Audio is very bad in the game, Footsteps are very loud, Often I have found that, Enemy players can hear your footsteps before you hear there's, I know that is just down to luck in a sense but its worth mentioning.

So Yeah, as I have said before, I would only recommend this game if you are prepared to fully sweat or camp as that seems to be the method that is being used by the majority of players.
发布于 2022 年 9 月 22 日。 最后编辑于 2022 年 9 月 22 日。
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总时数 5,660.6 小时 (评测时 8.0 小时)
So at first I enjoyed this game, it was fun to play and addictive, I enjoyed it but later on I found a couple bugs which stopped my progress in the game and upon trying to find a fix for the bugs I found that there aren't really anywhere to go to get answers or even report bugs in the game so that is why I am giving this game a Thumbs down, I enjoyed it and think that it has potential to become a good game but at the point where its at where there is bugs that stop you from being able to progress in the game and there is no way to report it or anything, I feel like its a bit of a disappointment, I would for sure come back to the game if there was an update fixing the bugs but until then it shall remain unplayed.
发布于 2022 年 3 月 26 日。
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一名开发者在 2022 年 3 月 27 日 上午 1:20 作出回复 (查看回复)
有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 5,920.5 小时 (评测时 27.1 小时)
So in my opinion the game is very bad, it is poorly designed for example some features of the game you can only do if you have at least 1B+, for instance the event calendar assumes that everyone can reach around 1M chips a game and if you are lower level you cannot really do anything about it, Another thing I hate about the game is the daily challenges they have there are not many daily challenges and some are like earn 2B in a certain playlist etc like I doubt there are many people that are able to do that every day so what is the point, Lastly the thing I hate most about the game is the community or well the bad side, from playing the game I have found a large amount of the community are toxic, bullies or just straight up trolls, it is very discouraging to new players so if I had to rate the game out of 10 I would give it a 2 at most, Would not play.
发布于 2021 年 11 月 21 日。
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总时数 14.5 小时 (评测时 5.3 小时)
So far I have only played around 5 hours of the game and my score out of 10 would be a 4, there are some not bad features in this game like the night vision goggles and the weapon mechanics etc but there are more things wrong and not well set up to be a game that I would main.

Once the attacking team take out the power and equip their NVG's the defenders are at an immediate disadvantage as the only way they can see is if they put a torch on the end of their gun which lets every player see you're position and you can not really defend the power switch as its easy enough for the attackers to just run up and switch off.

Something I have found is that on the yacht map if the hostage spawns on the bottom of the boat and you spawn at the top it makes it very hard to get to the hostage before the attackers have secured the hostage as the attackers can spawn right above it so once they spawn they can just drop a flash down just in case drop down and they have secured it in seconds.

The map designs are not the best as on one map there is a wall which apparently has gaps in it by design that the defender can sit on 1 side and the attackers spawn on the other and the defender can literally just shoot through and kill you're team.

There is no in game report function so if someone is breaking a in game rule such as team killing, cheating, spawn killing or being toxic you have to clip it then make a report ticket on discord and insert the evidence there along with the users steam ID I think this might be too much for some people.

So since this game has no anti cheat system in place cheaters can easily get into games, There was an instance where I was in game were there was a cheater on the enemy team and it was on the map that I mentioned above that there is a wall that can be shot through that separates the defenders and the attackers spawn, the cheater clearly shot at us directly it was not like the player just sprayed through the wall he was shooting exactly where we were standing and he killed 2 of us and it was not even like we were close together anyway I clipped it and made a report about it but the staff team deemed it legal as they said there gaps in the wall that the defender can see us through and it was not spawn peeking as we moved out of our spawn but in my opinion the player should have been at least punished for spawn peeking as we it toke us 3 seconds of walking to get out of spawn and the defender can attack us which I deem as spawn killing.

I think the game needs some improvements before I would consider a game in which I would main, all of those are my own opinions. spawn peeking evidence: https://youtu.be/Ijpxw0uVRzg

I don't mean any of this in a deeply negative way I hope that the creators can even out the playing field and add some new features, I am very excited to see what this game can come out with next as I do think it can become a very good game that people would main.

So after some more hours in game and finding more toxicity and cheaters I have decided that I am just gonna uninstall the game and forget about it as the game could be something good but at this rate I don't think it'll go anywhere.
发布于 2021 年 9 月 20 日。 最后编辑于 2021 年 9 月 21 日。
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总时数 10,863.2 小时 (评测时 201.2 小时)
Great game, Would highly recommend made even better with the right VTC, VIVATrucking all the way lul.
发布于 2021 年 7 月 24 日。
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总时数 16,836.3 小时 (评测时 1,364.8 小时)
I would 100% recommend DayZ its a great game and with community servers it makes the experience better and more enjoyable, there are many different communities that host DayZ so it won't be hard to find an server to your liking. Overall great game.
发布于 2021 年 7 月 15 日。
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总时数 12,189.5 小时 (评测时 542.8 小时)
CS:GO 评测
So I would recommend CS:GO but only if you have an good tolerance to BS, as alot of times if you are in EU you will be matched with people that only speak Russian, Turkish, Spanish etc you will rarely find someone who speaks English.

There are also a lot of people who Smurf, People who paid to be boosted by smurfs and cheaters also there are a lot of those.

So overall its an alright game just need an high tolerance to BS.
发布于 2021 年 6 月 18 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 9,325.5 小时 (评测时 723.5 小时)
ARK is an really great game with the right server but I would not recommend Avalanche PvE cluster as the admins and owners are inactive and me and my friends were happily playing on the servers then randomly we all got permanently banned and all our stuff deleted we have messaged moderators and they had no clue as to why or who banned us as there was no talk about it, We then messaged the owner and got the response I am not sure as I have not checked the admin chat in an while and that is the owner, So yeah ARK I would recommend Avalanche PvE Cluster I would not.

Update, since writing this review the owner finally contacted us around 15 days later saying that the reason that we were all banned was because we bad mouthed the community in other servers, So we asked for evidence of this as we did not do anything like this, but upon asking for evidence we were all blocked by the owner 🐺LiamMcIntyre!🦄#0618 so I think I am not gonna bother with this community anymore as it is clear that they are all about banning people just cause they feel like it, So I would 100% recommend ARK with the right community just not Avalanche.
发布于 2020 年 12 月 13 日。 最后编辑于 2020 年 12 月 30 日。
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