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Pubblicazione: 27 apr 2015, ore 1:39
Aggiornata: 6 dic 2020, ore 12:02

Recensione di CS:GO
This game is literally becoming a Korean MMO. In 2020, Valve is still using 64 tick rates, with over 1 million players online daily. Instead of real game improvements, server improvements, they add silly skins for the mentally retarded idiots every year.

Эта игра буквально становится корейской ММО. В 2020 году Валве до сих пор используют 64 тикрейт, имея при этом ежедневный онлайн более 1 миллиона игроков. Вместо реального улучшения игры, улучшения серверов, они каждый год добавлют глупые скины для умственно отсталых идиотов.
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1 commenti
Nick Wilde the Doppelgänger™ 7 dic 2020, ore 11:32 
Yeah i have completely given up on that game entirely ever since they made it Free2Play and attracting the worst multiplayer scum the internet has to offer..... You're much better off just playing Rainbow Six Siege (which sucks too, only different) or the good old Counter Strike Source again. Counter Strike GO just feels like any other south Korean multiplayer shooter, like War Rock or Crossfire....