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375 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
18 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 3,760.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1,447.9 saat)
I have been playing this game off and on since a week or two after release, and I can tell you that this is unlike any MMO I have ever played.

Short Story:
Good Game, buy.

If you want a more detailed review, read on:

This isn't an "online Skyrim" that you can play with your friends, although some people have managed to perceive it as such, even after playing for many hours.

My favorite thing about this game is that while there are subscriptions and in game currency, it doesn't have to effect gameplay. Most MMO's, if you don't have a subscription, and I don't know.. Cartel Coins, you wont have as much fun and wont have cool stuff. I have played this game without a subscription, and I can say that there isn't a massive difference, you can level up almost as quick and still do hundreds, if not thousands of hours worth of gameplay without it. The biggest perks of a sub are dyes and the crafting bag ( having played before the crafting bag, I will tell you that it is worth a sub all on it's own.)

A lot of negative reviews I've read have to deal with download space and time... It's that way with all MMO's, know what you're getting into.
All the others have to do with how Bethesda and Zenimax are greedy for offering in game currency, those people obviously have no grasp on how the current climate in video games are going, specifically in mmo's (loot crates, pay to win, microtransactions. etc.). I'm not saying they're totally wrong, but I hope they have a nice bed living under that rock. I personally don't mindpaying a bit extra for added content as the game goes on, the people making the content have bills after all.

I've seen a few bad reviews about offering Morrowind as a paid DLC. My first point on that is to refer to my previous statement on not understanding what is driving profit in a lot of games these days. My second point is that I have not bought Morrowind, and I can say that it has not effected my game in a negative way AT ALL.

Amazing graphics (for MMO) on high end machines, still playable on low end machines.
In game paid currency (crowns) doesn't mean pay to win.
PVP is an absolute blast
All MMO zone chats are toxic, but this is less toxic than most
An almost endless amount of things to do
You can make a viable build out of any race and class
Getting in depth with builds can be a lot of fun
Awesome voice actors
Fantastic Add Ons

Load screens can suck during high traffic hours.
PVP can be a bit zergy (Can also make for a lot of fun though)
Can be a bit grindy if you let it.
Builds can often change based on patches
Not having enough time to spend playing the game

Overall I would recommend to a friend.
Yayınlanma 4 Kasım 2017. Son düzenlenme 28 Kasım 2017.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 156.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 32.7 saat)
This is a game that I almost hate, but still enjoy.
Just a warning, I've spent all of 5 minutes on multiplayer in this game, so this review is from a single player standpoint.

- Very good graphics, but still runs decently on sub par rigs if it has to.
- A very terrifying story line.
- Immersion is good.
- It will matter what load out you decide to go with.
- The mil-sim accuracy I've come to expect since the first flashpoint.
- Good Mod support and options.

- The AI... this is the most frustrating aspect of the game for me. I'll tell a squad mate to go somewhere or get into a certain formation, and he is like " Nah bro, there is an ant I'm looking at over here that is super cool, plus I'm kind of stuck on this fence that is made of three stones, so I am going to chill right here. The ant's name is Antoine by the way."

This usually results in the ant loving AI getting torn apart by an enemy vehicle, and me having to finish the rest of the mission with no squad mates and no ammo. Not sure how after all of this time since the orginal games, that the AI can be so stupid, even on a somewhat irregular basis.

Even after the AI issues, I would still recommend to a friend.
Yayınlanma 27 Haziran 2017. Son düzenlenme 27 Haziran 2017.
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116 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
5 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 78.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 49.7 saat)
This is an EA game that I watched grow up. I went to it's little league games and PTA meetings. I have to say, It scored well on it's SAT's and got into a good college.

- Fabulous artwork.
- The concept is brilliant
- When you lose a company member that has been with you since the start, it hurts. Good luck not save scumming.
- Vast amount of weapons and armor to equip with.
-You can play how you like.
- As of this time no issues, crashes or bugs that I have come across. (Even in very Early Access... so high five devs)

- Can be somewhat repetative. i.e: do the same type of quest 5 times just to pay wages.
-When you lose a company member that has been with you since the start, it hurts. Good luck not save scumming ( Yes it's on pros and cons)
-It can be easy to lose interest in the game, which is too bad because there is so much to it.

Overall, I would recommend this to a friend.
Yayınlanma 27 Haziran 2017. Son düzenlenme 27 Haziran 2017.
Bu inceleme yararlı oldu mu? Evet Hayır Komik Ödül
12 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 24.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 22.4 saat)
This game takes a lot of reading, if you don't like reading you probably shouldn't get it.
However, I'm okay with reading.


- Varied play though
- A fairly long game for what it is.
- Fun story where you can create your own tribe.
- Combat is actually a lot of fun.
- As of yet, no issues, crashes or bugs.
- The Artwork

- Later in the game can become repetative.
- (Again) if you don't like to read, there is a lot of it.
- It can be very difficult to maintain a large clan... This is more of a personal con, I just suck once I get to this part in the game.

Overall, this is a game I would recommend to a friend.
Yayınlanma 26 Haziran 2017. Son düzenlenme 27 Haziran 2017.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 34.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 33.2 saat)
Having grown up playing all the games in this series, I'm a little partial. It's the same as it ever was, which is wonderful. I still play this with the same friends I did a decade ago. It stands the test of time.
I haven't had any crashes or issues.

Overall, this is a game I would recommend to a friend.
Yayınlanma 26 Haziran 2017. Son düzenlenme 27 Haziran 2017.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 515.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 320.6 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
I purchased this game over a year ago, and it's been fun to see how the game has progressed. Kenshi has a special place in my heart as it was my first Early Access game, and it gave way to a horrible EA addiction;

My personal views on the game:

-Being Early Access there are a number of bugs, but the majority of them are so minor as to not be noticed and tend to be fixed quickly. Overall I've only come across one bug that caused me to quit playing, but it caused me to quit for a number of months. Recently however I decided to give it another try, and I'm very happy I did, the work that the Devs have done have been amazing, and the bug had been fixed.

-The Gameplay is quite fun, albeit can be slow to get into at the start of a game, and the premise is unique, which I appriciate.

-Once the initial slow start was over I found the game to be fairly immersive, creating seperate squads, each with its own purpose, town building, guards, labor, craftsmen, bounty hunters etc.

-The Graphic are pretty good, and have improved significantly in the year I've had the game.

-Updates can come slowly, but so far have always been worth the wait.

Overall, aside from the Early Access bugs, and the occasional crash Kenshi is one of my favorite games, and I highly recommend it.

Overall, I would recommend to a friend,
Yayınlanma 23 Haziran 2015. Son düzenlenme 22 Kasım 2018.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 370.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 298.9 saat)
Too many Mods, It's great.

In all seriousness though. The potential of this game is never ending if you want a mod, it probably exists. It's why, even after so many years of being released with average graphics to begin with, its still such a huge deal. Wars will be fought if M&B II is never released.

Overall, this is a game I would recommend to a friend.
Yayınlanma 21 Şubat 2014. Son düzenlenme 27 Haziran 2017.
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