AlphaTros Store
@CSGOTROLLXD on Instagram   Bermuda
@CSGOTROLLXD on Instagram

Currently Offline
:wheelclock:Opening hours :
Monday :wheelclock: 8am-11pm (WIB) :wheelclock:
Tuesday :wheelclock: 8am-11pm (WIB) :wheelclock:
Wednesday :wheelclock: 8am-11pm (WIB) :wheelclock:
Thursday :wheelclock: 8am-11pm (WIB) :wheelclock:
Friday :wheelclock: 8am-12pm (WIB) :wheelclock:
Saturday :wheelclock: 8am-12pm (WIB) :wheelclock:
Sunday :wheelclock: 8am-11pm (WIB) :wheelclock:
If the the level up service is offline just message because steam doesn't show that the level up service is online if opened from browsers. This is not a bot. It's fully functioned by man so please be patient :RBGoodluck:

Payments accepted after 1pm, the item will be sent on the next day / Pembayaran yang diterima setelah jam 1 siang, barang akan dikirim keesokan harinya.
(Only works for Vouchers and Game Keys / Hanya berlaku untuk Voucher dan Game Key)

:level_completedSD: :20_level::rotate::60_level::rotate::90_level: Level Up Service :level_completedSD: :20_level::rotate::60_level::rotate::90_level:

:ns_card: TRADING SETS OF CARDS :ns_card:
1 Set Of Cards : :ShinyGems: 375 Steam Gems :ShinyGems:
4 Or More Trading Cards Sets : :ShinyGems: 350 Steam Gems Each Set :ShinyGems:
:key_platro: 1 CS:GO Key : 14 Sets
:key_platro: 1 TF Key (Only accepting Mann Co. Supply Crate Key : 14 Sets
:key_platro: 1 PUBG Key : 14 Sets
1 Set : 15 Random Steam Trading Cards
:insincere_health: If you want to sell your Set just message me for the price! :insincere_health:
I am a human, not a bot :bot_robot:
:20_level::rotate::60_level::rotate::90_level: Thanks For Trading With Melki Level Up Service :ClownSmile:

Steam Wallet Prices (Received in codes / Diterima dalam bentuk code) :

US Dollars (USD) :
- $5 = $5.5 / Rp.80,000
- $10 = $10.5 / Rp.153.000
- $15 = $15.5 / Rp.227.000
- $20 = $20.5 / Rp.300.000
- $25 = $25.5 / Rp.373.000
- $30 = $30.5 / Rp.446.000
- $50 = $49 / Rp.710.000
- $60 = $59 / Rp.860.000
- $100 = $96 / Rp.1.400.000

Indonesian Rupiah (Rp) :
- Rp.45.000 = Rp.55.000
- Rp.60.000 = Rp.80.000
- Rp.90.000 = Rp.110.000
- Rp.120.000 = Rp.145.000
- Rp.250.000 = Rp.290.000
- Rp.400.000 = Rp.470.000
- Rp.600.000 = Rp.700.000

Codes will be sent around approximately 30 mins - 5 hours by latest. So please be patient.
Kode akan dikirim dalam jangka waktu 30 menit - 5 jam paling telat. Mohon bersabar.
Each purchase has a fee of $0.63 / Rp.9.000
Setiap pembelian akan terkena biaya sebesar Rp.9.000


Game Key Prices :
- Pubg : $15.00 / Rp. 190.000
- CSGO : $6.50 / Rp.80.000
- Rainbow Six Siege : $9 / Rp.125.000
- GTA V : $20 / Rp.280.000
- COD BO3 : $28 / Rp.400.000
- COD BO2 : $18 / Rp.250.000
- COD Ghosts $14 / Rp.200.000

Codes will be sent around approximately 30 mins - 5 hours by latest. So please be patient.
Kode akan dikirim dalam jangka waktu 30 menit - 5 jam paling telat. Mohon bersabar.
Each purchase has a fee of $0.63 / Rp.9.000
Setiap pembelian akan terkena biaya sebesar Rp.9.000


Payments accepted :
- Paypal (Paypal fees not included)
- Bank Transfer (Only Indonesian Users)
- BTC (BTC fees not included)
- Pulsa (Only Indonesian Users)


Xbox Gift Card (Received in codes / Diterima dalam bentuk code) :
- $10 = Rp.164.000
- $15 = Rp.270.000
- $25 = Rp.390.000
- $50 = Rp.770.000

Xbox Live Gold Membership :
- 3 Months / 3 Bulan : $21 / Rp.305.000
- 12 Months / 12 Bulan : $55 / Rp.800.000

Each purchase has a fee of $0.63 / Rp.9.000
Setiap pembelian akan terkena biaya sebesar Rp.9.000


Google Play Vouchers (Received in codes / Diterima dalam bentuk code) :

US Dollars (USD) :
- $10 = $10.5 / Rp.153.000
- $25 = $25 / Rp.364.000
- $50 = $48.5 / Rp.705.000
- $100 = $95 / Rp.1.385.000

Indonesian Rupiah (Rp) :
- Rp.20.000 = Rp.30.000
- Rp.50.000 = Rp.60.000
- Rp.100.000 = Rp.115.000
- Rp.150.000 = Rp.167.000
- Rp.300.000 = Rp.320.000
- Rp.500.000 = Rp.530.000

Each purchase has a fee of $0.63 / Rp.9.000
Setiap pembelian akan terkena biaya sebesar Rp.9.000


Itunes Gift Card (Received in codes / Diterima dalam bentuk code) :

US Dollars (USD) :
- $5 = Rp.90.000
- $10 = Rp.155.000
- $15 = Rp.231.000
- $25 = $25 / Rp.357.000
- $50 = $49 / Rp.700.000
- $100 = $100 / Rp.1.428.000

Indonesian Rupiah (Rp) :
- Rp.150.000 = Rp.215.000
- Rp.200.000 = Rp.275.000
- Rp.250.000 = Rp.335.000
- Rp.300.000 = Rp.395.000
- Rp.400.000 = Rp.585.000
- Rp.500.000 = Rp.685.000
- Rp.1.000.000 = Rp.1.400.000

Kenapa Harga indonesia lebih mahal untuk Itunes gift card?
Karena lebih susah di temukan di bandingkan yang USD ($)
Each purchase has a fee of $0.63 / Rp.9.000
Setiap pembelian akan terkena biaya sebesar Rp.9.000


G2A Gift Card (Received in codes / Diterima dalam bentuk code) :
- 3€ = Rp.80.000
- 5€ = Rp.110.000
- 10€ = Rp.215.000
- 20€ = Rp.420.000
- 25€ = Rp. 530.000
- 50€ = Rp.1.050.000

Each purchase has a fee of $0.63 / Rp.9.000
Setiap pembelian akan terkena biaya sebesar Rp.9.000


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