
Spode 最近的评测

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总时数 22.8 小时 (评测时 1.0 小时)
发布于 2020 年 3 月 26 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
总时数 814.8 小时 (评测时 27.1 小时)
It's my favorite game to hate.
发布于 2019 年 11 月 5 日。 最后编辑于 2022 年 12 月 18 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 40.9 小时 (评测时 22.4 小时)
I played with friends on one world for a considerable amount of time.
World holes made it impossible to leave our base without falling through the map.
This didn't happen when it released.
Must be a new feature.
发布于 2018 年 11 月 22 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 343.8 小时 (评测时 261.5 小时)
This game good
发布于 2018 年 11 月 22 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 139.9 小时 (评测时 63.5 小时)
Definitely a good game, plenty of content that's getting continuously added as well. Left 4 Dead but better.
发布于 2018 年 5 月 31 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 27.5 小时
A game released in 2006 is ten times better than this game. If you want this game, go buy Wurm Unlimited instead. The graphics are a little worse there, but the game is actually complete and with still active developers. The developers for this game are two faced, and I would not recommend supporting them in the slightest. Especially for a game that is an incomplete stolen idea of an already polished game.
发布于 2017 年 1 月 17 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
总时数 1.4 小时
I still haven't beaten the first sequence.
发布于 2016 年 8 月 4 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
有 3 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 18.4 小时
This game got me VAC banned.
发布于 2016 年 8 月 4 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 13.4 小时 (评测时 12.6 小时)
This is a fun little game, but don't confuse it with the mobile game "Game Dev Sim". The games are a lot more different than you'd think. This game is still fun, and I often consider coming back to it.
发布于 2016 年 8 月 4 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 70.5 小时 (评测时 41.0 小时)
This game is fantastic. It kills hours so quickly, and you enjoy most of it. I wouldn't suggest looking at a guide, it'll ruin your own experience with the game. Jump feet first into this game, and start running with it. I promise you wont regret the time you spend with this game.
发布于 2016 年 8 月 4 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
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