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2 people found this review helpful
6.5 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
This is bonkers! simple, surprisingly scary atmospheric, and retro! I loved the style and it made my unease factor reach the ceiling.

but if I may, some downsides are: the puzzles are not actually puzzles and you just need to use these stuff on those stuff and repeat until you make it right.
dying when confronting the Scissormanis random and that's kinda odd but then again, this game is made for dying over and over again, plus you have the option to rewind and save the state in this version and what am I saying? This game is for 1995 and is 6 years older than me so it's more than ok.

damn I can't believe this is not a well-known game, I wish they continued the series and I wish this could get a remake...but I guess that's not gonna happen, at least not in this universe, such a shame.
Posted 31 October, 2024. Last edited 31 October, 2024.
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25.4 hrs on record (24.7 hrs at review time)
an incredible Remake of a masterpiece
I've not completed the classic version in the past, but after playing this, I might now.
this is a perfect atmospheric horror game made by a studio that was its first time creating a survival horror, and they nailed it. people in Capcom need to keep their heads up because they might have a worthy competitor now.

the gameplay is good but can be better and the dodge mechanic is a little bit op and the game is a little bit easy but it doesn't affect the work of art they created with Silent Hill 2
I love the atmosphere in this game so much that its the only reason I'm gonna beat it for the second time, and the fact that this is made in unreal engine with this level of graphics makes it even more atmospheric.
I swear I can wander in that foggy city for hours and not get tired at all.

and I don't have to say anything for the story cuz it's about the same as the classic, with some little difference and 2 new endings that adds even more things to talk about, but sadly I cant do that because you should experience it yourself.

the only thing I can say to criticize the game is that "otherworld" levels are a little bit frustrating, especially in Brookhaven Hospital, but that feeling of frustration faded away while visiting the next areas of the game, and I have to say I'm surprised that I didn't have any problems with the prison, it sounded like a boring level but it was okay, and even if I had any, it would've been gone by the time I reached the Lakeview hotel, that was the best area they created in this game, even better than the silent hill city, I wish I could visit a hotel like that in real life, with all those foggy and empty hallways, it gives me a feeling of unease and I kinda like that, this whole game was a big liminal space of its self, I can't believe silent hill created that feeling even before backrooms in 2001 and I missed it somehow until today

Overall, very good game, everyone should play this masterpiece
Posted 26 October, 2024.
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11.5 hrs on record
This could be a good SAO game even with its flaws but sadly I can't recommend it at the moment as there are some issues with it

-first of all, the story should be playable entirely offline, I know you can play it in offline mode (you have to go into the game entirely offline) but that does not solve the problem im going to say.
the problem is if your network disconnects split second and you lose connection to Steam for a moment, your progress is completely lost even in the story mode. 30 minutes of searching a map for collectibles and killing everything to get S rank are all gone by disconnecting from Steam.

I get that players should not disconnect from online matches, but they should let you keep everything you gathered in the story or free-roam. you have no idea how much of my time was wasted because of this. imagine playing for 50 mins and collecting all sorts of things In free-roam and then disconnecting from servers, you get nothing and that sucks, they should fix that.

-as for the game itself
definitely not worth the price tag, but it's a good SAO game even with its clunkiness in combat and movement
get it if you're a SAO fan and can handle losing your progress here and there.
Posted 9 October, 2024. Last edited 22 November, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Cant wait to get my ass kicked again
Posted 20 June, 2024.
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7 people found this review helpful
0.1 hrs on record
"You want to play from the beginning? Why???
come here, buy this Art of Metamorphosis
(This item is also obtainable in the game, we are not responsible for any misunderstandings)"

-Capcom 2024
Posted 21 March, 2024.
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5 people found this review helpful
37.1 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Take notes Nintendo 📝
Posted 22 January, 2024.
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5.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Dear Lord Gaben...please delete this game from my library
Posted 10 January, 2024. Last edited 22 November, 2024.
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8 people found this review helpful
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13.3 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
The residents of this mansion are certainly evil

It's resident evil all over again! It felt like playing another version of resident evil 1 in first person.
I'm definitely sure that the developer of this game is a hardcore fan of resident evil, how else could their game be so perfectly Resident-like?
it's like they grabbed something good from every resident evil, and put it in the game perfectly.
for example, you'll encounter a regenerator from resident evil 4 in this game!
and also a mimic from dark souls and the last boss was a bit soulsy and you can see some souls-like elements in the game so...yea, that too.

It's Scary!
this game was a real horror, I got really scared at some points of the game, most of all from the bloody wardrobe section, this game knows how to scare you because its creator was scared in their whole life playing survival horror games and resident evil.
you cant and don't know how to scare someone if you yourself won't fear anything, and that's a fact.

the story, however, was original and really creepy, try sleeping in your home alone after playing this game.
it starts from the scariest of places...your home, ALONE! And I was thanking god when I got to the mansion cuz it felt like a dream that doesn't exist in the real world, but step by step, that feeling faded away.

the game's story is not like those lazy storytellings that goes: "yea ima lookup for this mansion in the middle of nowhere cuz I love exciting scary things" No! the game starts by showing that you're alone and helpless, it puts you in a nightmare and there is no hope escaping it, and even when you do, it just gets scarier.

love the art style, soundtracks were creepy as hell and the gameplay was perfectly polished

10/10 would sleep again.
Posted 3 May, 2023.
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853 people found this review helpful
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54.1 hrs on record (32.9 hrs at review time)
18 years later, still a Masterpiece!

After RE3 Remake, when Capcom announced that they were doing a remake for RE4, I was so happy; but at the same time, was scared that it would follow the path of RE3.
But believe me, while playing this masterpiece you won't think of RE3 anymore, and in my opinion, it was close enough to what we needed.

From the start, you'll notice that some places are changed and almost unrecognizable, but after playing for a few minutes, that old RE 4 shows itself within this game, but with almost real-life graphics!

here we have Capcom making you ready for the changes that you'll see further into the game. while showing you that they tried their best to be faithful. surely that has its ups and downs, but I can live with that.

The Gameplay
is almost perfect; at first, I was worried that enemies were unreliable on being stunned when you shoot them in the face since sometimes it takes more than two hits for them to get stunned. But at the end of the game, there I was, blasting through them like a bunch of predictable insects. Sure, Leon's walking is a little heavy, but it doesn't make it any less fluid.
The map is fantastic, this was the first Resident Evil game in that I used its map more than 100+ times in one playthrough, and I was using it for gathering treasures and doing requests for HOURS!

Gunplay was great for me with all of the guns except with TMP, that gun will never shoot where you tell it to shoot, and I only used it 2 or 3 times when I was out of ammo on other guns, or I was trying to kill some nasty dogs with Nemesis-like teeth.

The story
was expended much more, and there was so much to find out about the plaga and Los Iluminados, the Salazar family, and the betrayal of Ramon.
also finding out why Ada wants the sample or why Wesker needs it.
We get more information about Major Krauser and his operation with Leon. and even get to know more about our Madridan officer Louis Sera.
I think they're changing the whole story of Operation Javier, but it doesn't sound bad though.

are at the peak! I'm not sure if ReEngine can make it further in this matter from here on forward; the lighting is so cool, and you'll appreciate that when playing as Ashley.
There were some rainy moments in a section of the village that made my fps cry in its bed, but I can't call that non-optimized, because It was so beautiful and I was playing on Ultra 4K so I expected some fps drops.


is GREAT Now! She's no more a loud screaming machine that can't even climb down a ladder, but instead, you'll be amazed by the amount of help that she provides to Leon; I started to like her from the church encounter, there is more soul put into her and that was the best change they've made in the remake.


Some boss fights were changed a lot and even built new from the ground up, like Salazar and I didn't like that.
Fight with Krauser wasn't like old times and the area felt so empty; they even changed Krauser's mutated hand and it was much uglier than the original.

Some areas were a little bit smaller than the original, which was odd.

Merchant's voice was a downside; it felt like he was trying to mimic or even mock the original voice actor; I don't exactly know why, but It felt like I was talking to the duke from ReVillage. But Then I remembered that Duke didn't talk this much; even if he did, I didn't care.
But the merchant...ooh boy, he is so talkative now, Shut up already! I am trying to choose something to buy, don't give me that repetitive dialogue every second;
and his dialogue doesn't always mean something; for example, he sometimes says he got some rare things on sale but I the stranger couldn't find anything in his pockets.
Speaking of pockets, the only good and funny thing he said was that I couldn't put that Rocket launcher in my pocket.

the game feels so much like the old RE4, and in some cases even better; the action is like John Wick killing a bunch of farmers, but at some points, the Horror is Unbearable! w8 until you encounter and try to defeat the first two Regeneradors while looking for that Biosensor Scope.

The BIG undeniable flaw of RE4 Remake, which cannot be completely ignored, is simplifying or removing several challenging situations that were present or more engaging in the original version, especially from the island.

Some video games are so good, that everyone should experience them at least once. When Resident Evil 4 was released in 2005, it was considered as such. The remake of Resident Evil 4 is a good reminder of this fact too.
Experience this Masterpiece at all costs!

9/10, Must Play!
Posted 26 March, 2023. Last edited 8 January, 2024.
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33 people found this review helpful
27.6 hrs on record
Tunic is the type of game you did not know you needed until you've played it.

This was by far the best souls-like I've ever played, and at the same time had the most Innovative gameplay.
In the first hours of playing, It felt like dark souls all over again, but the more I played, the more I discovered how well-made and brand-new tunic is.
The way that you can discover your abilities and the way that you find out about secrets in the game is genius! You're like: "wow, I could do that the whole time and didn't even know about it?".
I think not popping tutorial messages over and over again, like most games, was the best decision they made while making this game.
You will learn new things about the game's world and your character's abilities even in the last hours of playing and just before the ending, and in my case, even after finishing the game once!
The story is great if you follow it, the puzzles are good, and I didn't see anything like them before; the gameplay is ok. Dodging can be a pain in the ass, but you can get over it; the soundtracks are good, and the art and level designs were good too.
I don't usually play a game that uses an isometric camera, but playing this one was the right choice.
Posted 16 February, 2023.
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