Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 35.8 год. загалом (31.0 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 29 лип. 2017 о 16:33
Оновлено: 30 лип. 2017 о 13:02

So, what we have here, another Zachlike. This feels like a sequel to TIS-100 but diametrically different in many ways.
The focus has shifted heavily from resolving the puzzle to its best optimization, someone may like it but i think it makes a lot of levels too easy to complete.
The package though is just so well rounded and polished that it deserves top marks

+ It's the test-driven development you know and love
+ Finally a modern looking Zachtronics game with support for 21:9 and higher resolutions
+ A lot of love was put in the enigmas, their presentation and the fantastic user manual
+ Circuits managing brings back the "spacial" programming that made Spacechem great
+ Endless potential for optimization with an abundance of components and tricks to learn
+ Probably more educational than most of your college courses
+ Chinese solitaire serves as a nice break

- For the most part of the game you can just keep adding components to solve puzzles easily

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