Russell Lee Randall III   United States
I. Overture
"And the meek shall inherit the earth"

II. Temples of Syrinx
We've taken care of everything
The words you read
The songs you sing
The pictures that give pleasure
To your eye
One for all and all for one
Work together
Common sons
Never need to wonder
How or why
We are the Priests
Of the Temples of Syrinx
Our great computers
Fill the hallowed halls
We are the Priests
Of the Temples of Syrinx
All the gifts of life
Are held within our walls
Look around this world we made
Our stock in trade
Come and join the Brotherhood
Of Man
What a nice contented world
Let the banners
Be unfurled
Hold the Red Star proudly
High in hand.

III. Discovery
What can this strange device be?
When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
It's got wires that vibrate, and give music
What can this thing be that I found?
See how it sings like a sad heart
And joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain
Or notes that fall gently, like rain.
I can't wait to share this new wonder
The people will all see its light
Let them all make their own music
The Priests praise my name on this night.

IV. Presentation
I know it's most unusual
To come before you so
But I've found an ancient miracle
I thought that you should know
Listen to my music
And hear what it can do
There's something here as strong as life
I know that it will reach you.
The Priests:
Yes, we know
It's nothing new
It's just a waste of time
We have no need for ancient ways
Our world is doing fine
Another toy
That helped destroy
The elder race of man
Forget about your silly whim
It doesn't fit the plan
I can't believe you're saying
These things just can't be true
Our world could use this beauty
Just think what we might do
The Priests:
Don't annoy us further
We have our work to do.
Just think about the average
What use have they for you?

V. Oracle: The Dream
I wandered home though the silent streets
And fell into a fitful sleep
Escape to realms beyond the night
Dream, can't you show me the light
I stand atop a spiral stair
An oracle confronts me there
He leads me on, light years away
Through astral nights, galactic days
I see the works of gifted hands
Grace this strange and wondrous land
I see the hand of man arise
With hungry mind and open eyes
They left the planet long ago
The elder race still learn and grow
Their power grows with purpose strong
To claim the home where they belong
Home to tear the Temples down
Home to change!

VI. Soliloquy
The sleep is still in my eyes
The dream is still in my head
I heave a sigh, and sadly smile
And lie a while in bed
I wish that it might come to pass
Not fade like all my dreams
Just think of what my life might be
In a world like I have seen
I don't think I can carry on
This cold and empty life
My spirits are low, in the depths of despair
My lifeblood
Spills over...

VII. The Grand Finale
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
We have assumed control.
We have assumed control.
We have assumed control.
Currently Offline
Recent Activity
15.9 hrs on record
last played on 11 Feb
40 hrs on record
last played on 27 Jan
9.7 hrs on record
last played on 27 Jan
Lazarus 2 Jan, 2023 @ 6:06am 
Eyyo I was browsing wallpaper engine earlier, seeing if there are any community made Rush wallpapers (for me to actually warrant a purchase I didn't know what the hell the product is about) and saw your comment on a Rush wallpaper. Glad to know there are other Rush geeks in the house, and proud ones at that. Have a good one bro :health:
|BLT| <('=')> Ducktor-Who 26 Jul, 2022 @ 5:30pm 
Bro, you finally got the joke, and tbh a few days ago i debated on changing my profile info and stuff lol
♥Mini_Ángelo♥ 6 Nov, 2020 @ 7:28pm 
+rep pretty good at battlefield 5 PS4, all around exellent dude and I found his comment on a soundsmith video
like none other 28 Jan, 2020 @ 7:19pm 
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Randy 3 Dec, 2019 @ 9:41pm 
no cap his a s s is real
JohnHesh 6 Jun, 2019 @ 6:46am 
I was searching for a guy, and i saw you having the Welcome to the black parade logo... can we be friends