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How To Get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
I've seen alot of boys here talking about how they don't have girlfriends and that they'll die alone and all this other ♥♥♥♥ and I got really ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tired of it and decided to make a guide about it. So here's some tips to turn you from a bitchless laddie to a pimping daddy.

Step 1. Get your body in shape

You often see that guy's don't enjoy their lives because of how overweight or extremely skinny that they are. One way to definitely change that is to get your body right. Pick up a sport and start playing it or hit the gym and have gym employees tell you how to use it. Remember that Dieting is half the battle in fitness. If you are trying to cut (Obtain a six pack and other defined features) you need to burn more calories in a day then you consume. Try to eat 1900 calories a day. Maximum of 2 cheat days a month. Count the grams of sugar in your food as well, and no fried food at all. Your food should never have more than 4 grams of sugar in one serving. Cut out all soda and sweet tea, make sure all of your drinks have ZERO sugar. If you love your body then it will love you back and others will compliment you.

Step 2. Start talking to girls

A great way to actually get girlfriends is to actually talk to them. You'll have no females forever if you just never talk to one. A good way to practice is at state fairs and trampoline Parks and other places where you'll see girls that you'll never see again. When you see one don't be weird and talk about feet and ♥♥♥♥. The trick is to try to have fun while your talking to one and try to be confident. Make jokes and have the same sense of humor as when you're talking with the boys, minus the conversations about sucking toes and ankles. Remember, try to have fun with yourself when talking to them. And if they say no, it's not the end of the world. If they say no, be cool about it and move on to the next one. Don't linger on them like a creep, theres 4 billion women in the world bro!
Step 3. Lower your standards

Alot of guys I talk to tend to have a bunch of requirements that a woman must meet before they can start speaking with them. This ain't going work. You need to lower your standards so you can have more experience. I don't mean that you have to talk to the land whales in class in order to get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ but don't always go for cheerleaders and ♥♥♥♥ bro. I remember one of the first girls I had was a little on the chunky side but I learned alot from her and now I'm more confident.

Step 4. Don't be a ♥♥♥♥

Seriously brothers, don't be a ♥♥♥♥. If there's something you don't like you don't have to be nasty about it all the time. Don't shove a girl that you have interest in, that only works on the ones who get caught ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in school bathrooms and end up with half the football team by the end of 8th grade. You can spit game without insults. And don't be petty if a girl shows no interest in you or wants to remain friends with you, just take it on the chin and keep moving as i said last time.

Step 5. Keep trying

You won't get every girl like that unless you look THAT good, but you're all redditors so that can't be true. If one doesn't like you that shouldn't crush your confidence. Somebody's gotta be attracted to you if the other one isn't. You ever been to Walmart and seen an ugly mfer with a quality woman and wondered "how the ♥♥♥♥ did he do that?" It's because he got off his ass and talked to her (or she just wants his money lol"). Keep talking to them untill you get one. You eventually will.

This concludes my guide, I hope you study it well and take notes.
k0gosh1 20.2. klo 4.04 
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