I hate the french
Harem Bee   Federated State Of Micronesia, United States
"Knowledge is power." Beats you over the head with a dictionary
"When you think you're going to bed but you're actually going into cardiac arrest." ~Nungwad Dimbus 4:20

Through Action a man becomes a Hero,
Through Death a Hero becomes a Legend,
Through Time a Legend becomes a Myth,
And by learning from the Myth a man takes Action.

Don’t cry because it’s over.
Smile because it happened.

Don’t cry because someone is gone.
Smile because they were here.
Sin conexión
Expositor de material gráfico
My Social Life in a Nutshell
I'm not even the one who said most of this ♥♥♥♥
-Billy and Howard are significant...

-Ginger Ale is the hardest-core soda

-S.S. Gofukyaself

-apple says the Jews,
I'd hide your shoes

-"My goal is to piss off as many muslims as I can before they blow themselves up.^^"

-makin meh wai up ur butt, Jennay

-"Have you ever wanted to just roll up your dog like a burrito and let it suffocate a while?"

-"1.3 Attack speed + 20% Crit Chance? Put Berserker + Fury on this thing and it becomes as fast as michael jackson in a kindergarten"

-"All you gotta do is go to the parents' funerals and tell their kids that their parents were ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥."

-"Ice cream is full of hope"

-"I just felt my brain quiver and can't feel my will to live anymore cuz I read ur ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ go die thx"

-"I should watch my own game and make my computer into a ♥♥♥♥ black hole."

-"Wanna buy some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ magic?"

-"'We have to crush the science out of them!'" - Scientist that created the Heliocor"

-"The drop was so intense that my subwoofer inhaled my dog"

-"You just killed their only source of food and yet they'll still unendingly pull sapphires outta their asses and eat snow."

-"Star light, star bright, what's in my soup tonight?"

-"the people at Microsoft only have 2 brain cells left and both are fighting for third place"

-"Steam games are nice
Hitler isn't nice.
Don't be Hitler
Buy me steam games."

-"when your worker brings home 4 potatos after a whole day in the fields so you spot-weld him to your horse and kick 'em off a cliff"

-"i have fourteen cabbage patch kids named merlin and they all have my pubic hair glued to their chest to become real men"

-"everydey i get reemed into the netx week i am thymee trevler and magical fly to nearaway lands where people reem me into the next weeks agen"

-"yetsardey wuz tumorrows friday so its literaly ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rn"

-"am 𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉" (⌐■_■)

└📁 Reasons to Live
└⚠️ This folder is empty

-"I'm square, I'm fair, and I gotta lotta hair!"

- (づ■.■)づ The kids like to call me... useless~ (づ■.■)づ

-"Bones are just hard meat." ~Nill bye


-"I am Juan Pablo the ♥♥♥♥, ruler of the Mexican border."

-"If it's not too much to ask, would you mind getting off my planet? Thanks a bunch, cupcake."

-"Let's play footsies till one of us ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dies!"

-"Ha! Get rekt by my incompetence!"

-"Daring nutritionist enjoy Pokemon and love that Timmy actually dressed well." ~Botnik

-"You'll correctly have sex I hope," bachelor edition describes while your sidekick is consuming rather much." ~Botnik

-"The earth is a place called Jupiter."

-"In college I'll be part of one big depression pile! We'll scoop each other off the floor to go places!"

-"Let's play 'What's-in-the-Hole bingo'! I only need 'the neighbor's youngest' and 'the dog's remains' and I win 20 dollars!"

-"Every living thing makes ♥♥♥♥♥♥ noise until it dies."

-"Get riggity rekt by the supertrick."

- Screams in spanish

-"Yeah go ahead and bang that thing on your knee and see what kind of sound it makes."

-"Nah man I'd ♥♥♥♥ ya daddy fo free, ya daddy cute."

-"When the alimony hits harder than your wife."

-"The only way to play Mexican hoopla hoops is with a shotgun. Everyone knows this."

-"The best way to shut a small kid up is to just bend him the wrong way."

-"I eat my gummy vitamins everday cuz I'm losing bone density !!"

-"I love eating my Flinstone Gummy Vits until my ♥♥♥♥ turns purple!"

-"Sometimes I spit gum into old peoples' dencher water to see if they notice the flavor change."

-"The ♥♥♥♥ you mean I sound like an Orca whale when I ♥♥♥♥."

-"So my friend and I were driving to DC and we saw this old guy in the car next to us who was clearly patiently waiting for his heart to stop."

-"so that is a guaranteed foul you get 4 strikes and a chuck-e-cheese token"

-"yea bro lets drink and smoke ill bring gasoline u bring the lighter!"

-"i love when you tease me john but I'm calling the police"

-"id like your councelor's number so i can discuss politics and bed wetting"

-"i reject your view of reality and instead forget about reality"


-"do ya ever just go to take an average ♥♥♥♥ but it's like more explosive than normal?"

-"hey wanna hear a funny joke cuz my heart just stopped!"

Coughs controllably

-"Dude what do you mean I eat corn chips and bread."

-"Hey Todd. Heyy Toddddd!"
"♥♥♥♥ you man"

-"Wanna mix and match STDs?"

-"I wipe before I ♥♥♥♥!"

-"detected" ~mexican detector

-"I read on the internet that cold water can fix that!"

-"Why can't one of them just... get hurt?"

-"One could also think of this game as a giant sandbox to play and explore in, a sandbox full of rapists and pedophiles, and you're a six year old boy in a sailor suit."

-"Whatever I just heard, I'd like to unhear please."

-"Did'jya meet lil' jizz napkin?"

-"My hyperrealistic Furby plussie cried 666 liters of blood in 13.72 seconds."

-"Breasticles to testicles: my transgender story"

-"wanna see me diddle myself with froyo?"

-"ever just throw your hamster into a sock and beat him against the desk?"

-"Your first exam was last week. 7 of you have already failed. If you receive a zero on your first three exams, you will automatically receive a computer file that contains a lecture on how to use a computer. Your final exam will require you to conceptualize a computer that can only be used on Mondays."

-"Cory, your mother and I decided to give your birthday to Eric
*Eric rolls right off the table"

-"To quote Shakespeare: 'Ima fart in your mouth'"

-"we'll be like the men in black only instead of aliens we'll slay thots and instead of black we wear low quality sweatpants" -Kyle

-"I'm dirt *clap clap* take that"

-"bob the built is totally smiling even though his heart is totally failing!"

-"Horton hears a flatline"

-"What're ya gonna do ♥♥♥♥♥♥? Spit and blow bubbles?"

-"I rely on female oppression to catch Pokemon!"

-"Ya know, you're the thing that extinguishes the light at the end of the tunnel"

-"disrespect me again and I'll determine your body's resonant frequency and play a jaunty horn solo that boils your miserable organs inside out"

-"ever blow so much out of your ass that you get tired and take a nap?"

-"Is the plural of a peacock peacakes?"

-"I'm gonna smack my lips till you have a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ seizure"

-"Yo I had a stroke on Saturday because it was a double xp weekend"

-"That's my ham wallet... and that's my ham!!"


-"I hate the balls! They get soggy when I spit on them!"

-"'Call Center Noise Cancelling Corded Monaural Headset Headphone with Mic Microphone with USB Plug-' I do love a good mic microphone in my headset headphones"

-"The American's fought at Fort Burger in 19! It was there that the first dad asked, 'Are ya winnin' son?'"

-"Listen, you're going to hell either way and the only question now is when. And I can make that now with a single punt if you don't shut the ♥♥♥♥ up"

-"HNNGG step on meeee"

-"My electives include speed torah reading, tackle jenga, and taking a bath. My foreign language is enchanting table. I have a B."

-"free me from this flesh prison"

The sequels to 'Horton hears a flatline' include:
-Horton kills his penpal. Why Horton?
-Horton gets an edema and its really bad
-Horton underpays a sex worker
-Horton defies God. Again.
-Horton condemns sinners
-Horton manhandles a chimpanzee
-Horton commits tax fraud

-"I hit my wife then I hit the juul then I left my kids at the preschool"

-"I like stinky women"

-"I'm sweatier than a pedophile at a Wiggle's concert!"
Buttery THUD 24 JUN 2021 a las 18:05 
Big balls big peenis balls 😟😟 youre balls are big??? penis fingers big hairy bals.. shrimp fried that rice? no way!!
It is just eggs 27 JUN 2017 a las 16:04 
Wankle Rotary Engine. 6 DIC 2014 a las 4:10 