
Последние обзоры Great White Bat

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I would definately pick up this game when it's finished.

In alpha it's a whole pile of heart break. After 30 some odd days and 35+ Settlers the game crashed. No big alpha is alpha, and unlike most games the Devs do actually pay attention to comments and reviews. I just DIED inside after losing such a great colony. If you don't mind some early bugs and balance issues (basically alpha in a nutshell) then give it a go. Just don't expect everything to be perfect just yet.

On the subject of bugs, since the Devs read this and respond. I may as well throw down some of the things I've come across after a good day of playing.

I love the bandits, the whole Idea is a great addition, especially those bandit camps full of goodies. But too much! During one very short playthrough I had already fended off some fish folk twice, and bandits 3 times. After I watched the walking tank take out the last of my armed forces I admitted defeat. The the same basic thing happened a few more times. I'll be honest, I did rock some notepad plus in the events folder and tone down the number of bandits. It seemed to help make it a bit more balanced. If I was lazy and let the armed forces do their own thing I would still take casualties, but with some decent planning, a few clutch land mines, and fortifications. I managed to hold the line.

Sadly after discovering that the upper class was doing nothing to contribute, and THEN discovering that they were also distracting my workers. I was forced to execute my entire upper class population. I'm sure their are big plans for them but damn they are mighty useless. During a situation where everyone needs to pull their own weight, it was just not appropriate to have them around. I mean come on! This is a frontier colony! What are we going to do with Capitalists and Poets!?

No Chair for you!
I had to basically make the choice of not building chairs or tables. They basically broke my production chains. The time it would take for every citizen to walk to the food stuffs, and then all the way to whatever random table they decided was good. Compared to the time it would take to huff it to the stock pile and scarf it down right their simply made it worth it to save my wood for other tasks.

Hunting Bug Maybe?
For whatever reason my citzens would not hunt. Maybe a bug, maybe just that game. But whenever I set them to hunt they would drop their current task and remain idle. If I removed hunting from their tasks, they started working again.

I pick things up and put them down!
Every once and a while a work crew will decide that the building they are working on requires a dance. They begin to pick up logs, then move them to another stockpile spot and drop them. Then begin the process over again. I've also observed them doing it with planks while assembling modules. Usually the same plank or log.

Need an ability to cancel/delete/remove anything. The only real game breaking aspects of the game is the inability to say delete the job to build a refinery that seems to bug, or remove a module that's in the wrong spot. Or tear down a building all together. Remove a stockpile. farm, etc.

Remember the game is still in alpha, so if you pick it up. Take some notes and send them over to the devs. The game can only get better that way.
Опубликовано 20 ноября 2014 г.. Отредактировано 21 ноября 2014 г..
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