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Análises recentes de Afumaii

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0.5 horas registradas
Really short and sweet game that teaches you all the fundamentals of the Steam Deck. I didn't even know that you could take a screenshot by pressing Steam + RB at the same time. Pretty cool experience.
Publicada em 11 de dezembro de 2024.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
48.7 horas registradas (44.1 horas no momento da análise)
WARNING: this game has NO steam cloud saving. If you wipe your pc/get a new one like I did, you will lose everything. Add steam cloud saving.
Publicada em 24 de novembro de 2024. Última edição em 27 de novembro de 2024.
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9.5 horas registradas
So many connection issues in co-op, issues with challenges not tracking correctly, and the game also randomly decided to wipe my entire save after 9 hours of playtime. Would not recommend.
Publicada em 7 de setembro de 2024.
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93.2 horas registradas
After finally getting all achievements on this game I'm absolutely in love with this game and this will forever be one of my favourite games that I've ever played. The fact I got this on sale for 5-10 dollars is absolutely criminal for how big of a steal it was. I've never played a game ever like this before. The map design is so cleverly intricate, the enemies both feel like a real threat in the early game and a nuisance, which can force you to play stealth if you prefer guns blazing until you can come back to deal with it later. Everything about this game feels so cleverly designed and intricate in a way that makes it possible to play through the game in tons of different ways. The replay value on this game for me was unmatched, and the world building and theme this game portrayed was extremely immersive and there were always new rooms to discover how to unlock. I guarantee there's still rooms out there that I've never been in after 80-ish hours on the main game and multiple full playthroughs. I love this game series to death and I honestly think that this might be one of the most underrated masterpieces of all time. The level of creative freedom and branching paths to unlock alternative ending dialogue is something I can really respect, and I wish that this game got the attention it deserves. I never even talked about how incredible the soundtrack is and how well it works with the game, Mick Gordon absolutely nailed the atmosphere for the soundtrack, and nothing ever feels out of place. 11/10 game and I hope to discover more games similar to this one, if there are any out there.

Mooncrash for me was still a solid experience, although I got it at a discount through Fanatical, I still think it was relatively decent for what it's worth. It's a step down from the base game, and it was an attempt to try something new which ultimately didn't do so well in my eyes. It gets much more repetitive and boring for me compared to the base game because I didn't feel an emotional attachment to any of the characters, I had no reason to care about them or the stories they were a part of. There was never any twists, and there was no real "story" other than getting some short bits of dialogue from Basilisk every now and then from completing specific story missions. I wasn't a big fan of the Moonshark, but I dig the idea of it. If you just want more Prey, it will fill that void, but if you think it's an expansion to the story or anything, it's just its own isolated set of stories about characters that never really make an appearance in the main game other than one super small story where Alex Yu says a few things and that's it.
Publicada em 2 de agosto de 2024. Última edição em 2 de agosto de 2024.
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112.6 horas registradas
After over a decade, I decided to finally give this game a shot, and I was genuinely blown away by the quality of this game. I could go on for hours about how incredible the multiplayer in this game really is, but I cannot explain the feeling I get when I play this game. So I'll just keep it relatively short.

The campaign is an extremely shallow experience. I really didn't feel any emotional attachment to the characters and the story is pretty lame. It feels like it relies more on cinematic shots and cool effects than story. It's not bad, but I definitely won't be recommending this game for the campaign.

The multiplayer. This is where this game shines like no other FPS game I've ever played. There is so many ways to play the game it feels fresh to play every single time. The sheer variety in every single map, The vehicles, the destructive environments that can change the way the entire map plays and functions, everything is so perfect when it comes to gameplay. Every weapon and class operates in an entirely different way from each other and have a huge amount of weapon and equipment options, even the vehicles have their own upgrades and completely changes how you can use them. The server browser keeps this game alive, and I've faced zero cheaters in over a hundred hours of purely multiplayer playtime.

One of my favorite things about this game is the "levolutions" where on certain maps, key structures or buildings will have a catastrophic failure, killing anyone in the vicinity and changing how those big chokepoints on the map play. The most well-known example of this is the Siege of Shanghai tower, where the entire building will collapse, and the map dynamic changes entirely. It's extremely fun to see maps feel so interactive and destructible, This feels way ahead of its time, and I wish more games would implement a feature like this, it's an extremely awesome idea and always looks spectacular.

The progression in the multiplayer is pretty fun. Some weapons, dog tags, and camos are locked behind a system called "assignments" which are challenges that require you to do specific tasks, which can range from very simple to being pretty grindy and challenging at times. There's dedicated servers purely to do assingment grinds, which I used a lot for achievements. Doing the assignments is a great way to keep progression at a steady pace and feel like you have something to always work towards every game. I enjoy systems like this, and that feeling of always working towards a big unlock is something that keeps me playing for a long long time.

The one bad thing I can say about this game is the battlepack system. This was expected for an EA published game, but it's one of the least intrusive lootbox systems I've seen in a game. It locks certain attachments behind these battlepacks, making them pure RNG whether you get them or not. Though the attachments mostly don't change how the weapon works that much, and you can get equivalent attachments by just getting kills with the weapon. You also get a battlepack every time you level up, so you'll end up getting a bunch of battlepacks and will most likely get the attachment you want anyways. You can ALSO get specific "weapon battlepacks" that will unlock after you've unlocked every kill-based attachment for a specific weapon. I'm not a big fan of the system, but it's very unintrusive and you have to earn every weapon with assignments and XP.

Overall, this is one of my favorite games of all time. The creativity that went into this game really blew me away after I sunk some hours into it. I'm still a novice player, and there is still a lot more for me to learn and discover. The community surrounding this game is sometimes toxic, but it's mostly chill from my experience. I like how servers endorse a low-toxicity environment, and has servers dedicated for players of all skill levels. Definitely give this game a try, I wish I played this game when it was more popular.
Publicada em 30 de janeiro de 2024. Última edição em 30 de janeiro de 2024.
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8.7 horas registradas
This game seemed to have a lot of hype around it before release, and I think this game lives up to it. Portal 2 mods always seem to blow me away with how extremely well made these are, almost to the point where it feels like official content by Valve. Definitely gets bonus points for being completely free and having achievements.

The graphics are about what you would expect for a source game, with some added effects here and there. I never noticed anything being particularly out of place, and everything seemed to be very reminiscent of Portal 2 and nails the feel of the Aperture facility.

The voice acting is great, though I feel like there's a little too much unnecessary monologue in some areas and some of the voicelines feel a little out of place. I think the cores have pretty unique voices and they really feel like authentic personality cores.

The story for me is the weakest part of the game. The story isn't bad, but it's really just not memorable at all. Obviously there were some big shoes to fill there, but the whole plot really just isn't that interesting. you don't really get to have an antagonistic character in the game until you're at nearly the end of the game, the story wasn't building up to anything, and it mostly feels like you're aimlessly walking around just listening to the cores tell you what to do for the whole game. Maybe I'm just misinterpreting the story, but it definitely won't be the thing that sticks with me when I look back on this game.

The gameplay is amazing, I love the introduction of some new mechanics and even buttons that have different properties from those in the original Portal 2, such as pressing a button moves an orange portal from one spot to another. The puzzles are pretty decent, but I really wish the game got more challenging in some areas. After a while, the difficulty completely plateaued and there were only 3 or 4 rooms i had some issue solving in the entire game. I wouldn't consider this a challenging mod, but I still really really enjoyed how each puzzle was made and it's very clear that the developers put a lot of time into getting the puzzles to work while incorporating their own unique mechanics into the mix while making sure everything flows together seamlessly. Very well crafted puzzles, and the gameplay is definitely the best part of the game for me.

I had some negatives, but the positives still greatly outweigh the small issues I had with this game. I really enjoy playing Portal 2 mods like these just because of how high quality they really are and how much the effort put in by the developer/s is shown through the gameplay and story elements. The achievements aren't that hard to get too. I highly recommend this game. It feels like it's own seperate Portal game rather than just a mod, so definitely check this out if you just want to play more Portal.
Publicada em 11 de janeiro de 2024. Última edição em 7 de setembro de 2024.
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4.9 horas registradas
What an amazing experience, Halfway through my playthrough I felt compelled to write a review for this game, but I held off until I experienced everything this game had to offer. I went in with a pretty open mind, expecting a simple puzzle game with some gimmicky mechanics or graphics, but this game far exceeded my expectations. I've never been so invested into a game on my first playthrough, I'm extremely happy I decided to play this.

The gameplay is fairly surface level, I can definitely tell this game isn't really focused on the gameplay elements more than the story and environments. It was still enjoyable but there wasn't really anything challenging and I never found myself getting stuck anywhere.

The graphics, wow. Absolutely stunning, and one of the greatest looking games I've ever played. The massive almost otherworldly looking structures and objects paired with the music creates a sense of scale with just how big the tower really is. I found myself stopping multiple times just to admire the backgrounds and scenery. This artstyle is beautiful, and I hope to see more games like this in the future.

The music, oh my god. This has one of the most beautiful soundtracks. Each song has such an impact that it will really resonate with you after your playthrough. The music is incredible. It compliments everything going on in the game perfectly. The sense of curiosity, fear, hope, feeling overwhelmed, the music portrays all of these emotions at the perfect moments in the game, especially during the last part, I was really feeling the panic and stress there.

I haven't felt a special feeling of immersion in a while, this game brought that feeling back to me. Do not play this game for just the gameplay, play it for the experience, letting yourself follow the story, admire the scenery, talk to each character and listen to how they express themselves and the stories they have to tell. I cannot recommend this game enough, and it is well worth playing.
Publicada em 11 de dezembro de 2023. Última edição em 11 de dezembro de 2023.
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73.4 horas registradas (61.5 horas no momento da análise)
After completing the game on Mein Leben, I feel comfortable saying I've experienced most of what this game has to offer. First, the positives:
- This game is a massive step up for me in almost every aspect compared to The New Order, and does an amazing job at pointing the story in a great direction for future installments. (we don't talk about youngblood)

- The gameplay is extremely fun, and I never found myself getting bored, even during Mein Leben where I would often have to play sections over and over again, It always feels engaging and fun, and I always found myself constantly getting better and learning more and more.

- The story is really good. It's the same as The New Order in which it's fairly surface level, but the characters you meet and interact with are absolutely amazing, each one having their own trait that makes them stand out from each other, and you never forget a key character in the story.

- The graphics feel a little better than The New Order, but I think the HUD is a massive improvement, and it looks much better compared to The New Order's HUD in my opinion.

And now for the negatives:
- This game was prone to freezing, crashing, and basically doing whatever the hell it wants to 50% of the time. I couldn't even fullscreen the game because the game would immediately freeze rendering my monitor unusable until i force closed the game.

- In the Keybinds/Controls setting, the Maschinenpistole and Sturmgewehr keys are somehow swapped to what they actually are in-game? This seems like such a silly and obvious mistake that should have been caught during playtesting or fixed in a patch. Also you cannot equip the Sturmgewehr in your right hand while dual wielding unless you use the weapon wheel which is REALLY annoying on Mein Leben.

- During Mein Leben, the 10 minute unskippable cutscene at the beginning of the game followed by another 5-ish minute unskippable cutscene right after the first mission becomes extremely mind-numbing and a huge turnoff for Mein Leben runs. It's only really an issue on Mein Leben, but I really wish there was a way to disable these during Mein Leben or just skip them altogether. Unless the unskippable part is intentional in which case the developers are a group of sadists.

I definitely still recommend giving this game a try despite my negative experiences, I still think this is one of my favorite games of all time and my first playthrough was so much fun. I definitely recommend it if you enjoy previous Wolfenstein games and are looking for more.

After playing the DLC, it's really not worth the money unless you're going for 100% achievements or it's only $10-15. You get very little new content, each "Chronicle" or DLC, consists of 3 unique characters, each with 3 missions. I like how they entice you to play a certain way, but to be honest the DLC doesn't hold a candle to the base game and you're really not missing out on anything by not playing them. I appreciate how they made all new maps though, and the characters' stories weren't too bad either.
Publicada em 14 de setembro de 2023. Última edição em 19 de setembro de 2023.
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42.7 horas registradas
credit card simulator
Publicada em 9 de setembro de 2023.
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22.2 horas registradas
Probably one of my favorite movement shooters I've played, you have a level of control that feels unparalleled to other shooters out there, I would honestly put this up there with Titanfall 2 as having some of the most satisfying movement.

The story is pretty okay. Nothing too memorable for me and the gameplay is definitely the larger focus. The 2 bossfights at the end felt a bit anticlimactic but I still enjoyed some of the twists especially near the end.

The gameplay is extremely fun and feels weirdly modern for being such a retro style shooter. It did feel a bit repetitive near the end but the huge arena fight made up for that. Definitely worth the money especially if it's on sale if you just want some pure fun.
Publicada em 8 de setembro de 2023.
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