Oh, hello.
Seems like someone's snooping over my profile page.

Well, every attempt I take at updating it tends to make it outdated the very next time I look.

I guess I should introduce myself...
Well, you've probably read by now that my nickname's Adinias. If not, then either it's Halloween, or I pulled some joke or (most probably) I forgot to change my name back half a year after Halloween happened.

Anyhow, if you wanna do anything, whether that's having a chat or play anything, feel free to hit me up. Can't promise to be available, but it often tends not to be the case.

If you're this far into my bio, I'll probably have to tell something about the games I play.
Well, it varies from strategy to sandbox and racing. Ask me, that never hurts. Just please don't ask me for any Battle Royale game.

One last thing, thanks for reading my entire bio if you're here now. I really appreciate it when people take the effort to read my bio :)
Favorite Game
Appusle 22 May, 2021 @ 11:51am 
BeardJan 21 Jul, 2012 @ 1:33pm 
halfe man uit streep 2
BeardJan 4 Aug, 2011 @ 11:07pm 
Yoriyari 25 May, 2011 @ 7:50am 
I welcome you to the Steam Community! :P