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1 person found this review helpful
105.5 hrs on record (92.8 hrs at review time)
I've played Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies in the past, and they are great games. It was nice to replay them again. I'm not really into visual novels, but the Ace Attorney series I can make an exception since it has interesting characters, some good morals, and an engaging story.

Never played Spirit of Justice, so it was nice to experience it for the 1st time. Spirit of Justice I say is just about as good as all the other Ace Attorney games. I may be wrong on this, but I can kinda see why Capcom was hesitant to send this out internationally back when it came out. It contains sensitive topics like suicide, blood & gore (it is more bloody than all the other Ace Attorney games), religion, and political stuff that can relate to whatever's happening in reality. And of course there's also a chapter involving a typical anime trend of older men ogling at cutesie anime girls with bouncing hooters, lol. But aside from all those, Spirit of Justice is still good.
Posted 22 January.
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81.6 hrs on record (5.6 hrs at review time)
Used to have and play the original Ace Attorney games in the past, and figured I'd have and play the games again. A very amusing visual novel series with interesting characters, crazy plot twists and turns, and more, with the addition of some thinking puzzles and clue searching. It's kind of interesting seeing this in HD instead of the original pixelated visuals. Makes them look more like digital drawings done with a drawing tablet.
Posted 9 December, 2022.
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79.5 hrs on record (11.1 hrs at review time)
If you're into visual novels with some small puzzles here and there, this game is definitely for you. I've played the original Ace Attorney games in the past, and they've always been amusing. It's nice that we've finally got some overseas stuff here in the west, and they still keep me amused.
The only critiques I can give are that there are a lot of behaviours and quotes from all of the characters that get extremely repetitive and old fast, and there's so much talking where there are times that I'm like, "Come on! I wanna progress! Stop talking! I know what I have to do! Enough already!".
I was curious as to why it never made it across the border. But as I progress through the the Chronicles series, I can kinda see why and have a few theories:
1. There are country-based stereotype jokes and elements that can offend some people in this day and age.
2. Depictions of suicide.
3. Blood is present (Knowing Nintendo, they do like to make their stuff family friendly in the west compared to Japan. Yes, I'm aware Nintendo didn't make Ace Attorney. But something like this happened with Sony with another one of Capcom's games where they wanted Lady's and Trish's rears in Devil May Cry V to be censored on their console release).
4. Capcom and Nintendo figured this game wouldn't sell well to begin with.
Posted 17 November, 2022. Last edited 25 November, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
1.4 hrs on record
Gotta say the developers did another great job on another project. Always love the crazy ideas, and symbolic and artistic ideas coming from them. I liked the experience of the game. It's also cool that it ties with Close Your Eyes (One of my most favourite games from them).
The only things I can critique about how it's more simple to play than most of their other games. The biggest issue I had was the lag. It took me ages to get past a few areas due to so much lagging happening. Not sure if the lag was intentional to make it more of a challenge, or if it's because it's programmed to have so many elements happening at once that causes lagging to happen.
But overall, good play despite the lag frustrations.
Posted 15 April, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
12.0 hrs on record
I've been meaning to review about this game for quite some time. I gotta say I love it. I always love the ideas this developer comes out with. There are so many positive things I can say about this game that I don't even know where to start. But overall, I really enjoy it. However...(Here are my critiques):
1. It is an extremely tedious adventure. If you so much as make 1 mistake, or decide to save up your adrenaline and get a game over, you have to start from the beginning with whatever endings you've unlocked that can affect the rest of your game play. The save feature won't 'save' you, either. There are times where I wanted to start all over again from scratch, but I don't think there's any way to do so. I'm pretty sure this is all a one-time play through, and then the game's done. It'd be nice if I can erase my progress and start all over without having to continue off from whatever endings I've unlocked that affect the rest of the game.

2. I don't think this game's still finished being made ever since I last played it a few years ago...I can't even think on anything else to do to unlock the rest of the endings, and walkthroughs don't really help, either. Last I checked there were only 18 or 20 out of the 26 or 27 endings that have been implemented into the game. It'd be nice if this game got a major update so that it can be a fully complete game (Gonna have to play this game again some day to see if anything's changed).

3. In the medical-looking room, my computer lags like crazy. I have a Windows 8.1 Acer Espire laptop that converted into a Windows 10. Don't know how that room's programmed to cause so much lag, but the rest of the game runs fine.
Posted 15 April, 2020.
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7.8 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
I'm not really into these types of games since I'm more about exploration, platformer, and action-based games, but I saw Jacksepticeye play a bit of it and found it really interesting. Gotta say that it is a very neat experience. Got a few good scares. Everyone has different opinions, and I'm not really good at writing really detailed and "professional" reviews, but all I can say is that I liked it.
Posted 23 January, 2018.
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3 people found this review helpful
12.5 hrs on record
There is so much I want to say about this game. I've lost count how many times I've said this, but I really wish Steam would have a neutral button because this is how I'm feeling about this game. I may have more detailed negative things to say about it, but I'm feeling neutral overall, to tell the truth.

- Nice creepy atmosphere and sound effects.

- Challenging puzzles. A lot of game developers seem to dumb down with their puzzles, making them extremely easy. It's been awhile since I've come across a game with challenging puzzles, which is what I like. The statue one had to be the most impressive one. Had to look up a walkthrough for that one.

- Nice soundtrack. The music did get me a few times, making me think that something's coming after me, or something bad's happening. In the end, though, nothing happens, hehehe.

- Nice lengthy gameplay (Took me 12.5 hours to beat it).

- Some pretty good jump scares here and there that got me good.

- Some pretty cool trippy parts that can mess with you.

- Not scary or terrifying. I'm aware that I stated the game as 'creepy' as my first positive note. But there is a difference between something scary, and something creepy. Basically the only things that scared me were the shadow girl, the ventriloquist dummy, and the doll. And I did state about the jump scares earlier, too, as a positive note. Thing is, most of them aren't much to be scared about. Quite a bit of them are repetitive, and others you can see coming from a mile away.

- Challenging puzzles. Now, I know that I made this as a positive note earlier as well, but I'd consider it as a negative, too, because I got extremely frustrated with the ones with the hellhounds, which made me close to rage quitting countless times and not wanting to finish the game overall, and made me want the game to end faster.

- I've encountered quite a bit of lagging in this game. Then again, I'm using an Acer laptop to play it. And most of us know that laptops don't really play well with specific games, unless they were custom-made ones where games can run extremely smooth. The most lag for me came from the outside areas. Like in the very first area you start off in when you're finding the key to get into the mansion, and in that one level I don't remember the name of. It's the one that's after the haunted place, there's a hellhound frolicking around, and you get an achievement called, Get Back, when you complete the level. (Funny how I don't care for achievements but I remember the name of this particular one. I'm horrible with names, too)

- Half the gameplay in Chapter 2 is basically just a walking simulator, which disappointed me. At the same time, it did do something good, like make me think that something could jump out and attack at anytime. But in the end, nothing happens, and you wasted time just walking a long distance to get to the next level.

- I found the parts where you had to find the keys pretty dumb. Like, for example, you unlock a room just to obtain a key to unlock a different room, and it can keep going on like that. Not much of a puzzle strategy, there. The only impressive part with finding the keys was in Chapter 3, when you're about to end one of its levels in the mansion, and reality and hallucinatory images are switching back-and-forth.

Do I recommend this game? I'm aware that I have given it a positive score. The reason being that I have more positive points than negative. But I usually don't like recommending and would rather people try for themselves, or see for themselves from someone else' gameplay experience. But I would not recommend it to those with a low patience level. Trust me, I'm a patient person and I've gotten frustrated at quite a bit of parts in this game. I lost my patience in the one spinning blades room that I had to switch to easy mode for the rest of the game.

Is it worth the price? I got it on special for about 66-68 percent off. And I would have to say that the price I got it was more worth it. I'm from Canada, so the original price is $16.99. At the sale price, I got it for about $5-$6. But I would say that that $16.99 is worth it for the length of the gameplay. But overall, I'd say it's more worth the sale price that I got it for.
Posted 8 January, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
6.7 hrs on record
I recommend this game if you're into games like Fatal Frame, which is exactly what this game is like, only with mythological creatures and spirits of Malaysia and Indonesia. I really enjoyed this game, despite some of the slow paced events and a few glitches here and there.
What I liked about the game are the enemy concepts, and how creepy everything is. It's always interesting to see mythology from different countries, and how things can change when the camera's armed. I also really liked on the strategy inputs on how to defeat and see specific enemies. Pretty interesting idea(s).
Now, I have read quite a bit of negative reviews on here, and what boggles me is the whole thing about "graphics". Games shouldn't be just about graphics, they're called 'video games' for a reason, not an animation or simulator. In my opinion, I find the graphics to be fantastic for an indie game. Believe me, I've seen indie games out there with way~ worse graphics than this. I would compare these graphics to be equivalent to an HD remake of a PS2 game on the PS3 and Xbox360. Of course, I'm not just talking about the graphics, I enjoyed the game itself through my own experience.
What I didn't like about this game were how at times the cutscenes would drag on to the point where it confuses you on if you're able to control Linda again, or not.
I also encountered a few glitches. One had to do with the camera mechanics, another had to do with lag, and the last had to do with disappearing walls at one point.
For the camera mechanics, I would be clicking the button on taking it out and putting it away. At times, she wouldn't. And I wouldn't even click anything and she would put the camera away after taking it out.
For lagging, it would lag whenever a lot of action occurred and when I ascend staircases, or turn a corner of a hallway. Even when I would have the camera out and there's a lot of action occurring, I would move slightly over to where the enemy is and Linda would be aiming either all the way behind, on the ground, or up in outer space.
And for disappearing walls, it happened when I was in the Grand Hall. I just finished with the mirror puzzle and as I exited, the walls disappeared, confusing me on where I am. After making a full circle of the upper level, the walls reappeared.
The other negative thing I should point out is the voice acting. It does need work.
Posted 21 August, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
8.1 hrs on record
I really enjoyed this DLC, despite all the frustrating glitches that I had to fight through.
What I loved about this DLC is how much creepier it was compared to the original game, and how there was a bit of a variety on how to defeat specific enemies.
What I didn't like about this DLC is what I stated earlier. I had to go through constant glitches that really drove me up the wall.
One glitch would be when I take out and put away my camera. Either she takes it out and puts it away when I don't press anything, or she won't if I actually press something.
Another glitch I encountered was how it lagged at times whenever a lot of action occurred, or when I ascend some staircases. Even when I have my camera out and there's a lot of action, it would lag to the point where the character would be looking in a completely different direction (eg. ceiling, floor, behind, etc.), when I don't even command her to.
Another one would be that the walls would disappear, making me lose track on where I have to go.
Another would be on how the game freezes as the cutscenes show (it loads up fine and I'm able to continue, but it's annoying on how I can't watch them since they freeze).
And the last glitch would be the hide-and-seek ghost girl. While looking at a walkthrough on where to find her, it did state that this is the most glitched-out objective in the entire game, and that the bug WAS fixed in its current update. But unfortunately I still encountered that bug, and it took longer than it should have to actually complete that objective.
I recommend this DLC if you enjoyed the original game, and if you're into games like Fatal Frame.
What I don't recommend is the whole back-and-forthing of the different areas to complete objectives, and if you're not into Asian games that contain slow-moving characters that can't defend themselves, except for what they're provided with.
I'm hoping that more games get made by the developers of this game (Digital Happiness). Makes me wonder if they're going to do a sequel, a prequel, or a completely different story that contains a completely different mythology.
Posted 21 August, 2016.
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3.0 hrs on record
I remember watching RiskRim play this, and I enjoyed playing it more than watching someone else play it, to be honest. It is amazing what 4th wall elements are added into the puzzle features of this game. Even the creepiness is pretty well done. That on part in the ending has to be the scariest part of the game. I'm hoping that the creator makes more games like this.
The only complaints I have is how much you have to replay/reset specific parts of the game so many times in order to get to where it is you want to go when you need achievements, and/or solving specific puzzles.
And on the one ending where there's the floating white heart, I couldn't do anything to reset the game. I don't know if this is a glitch, or if it's part of the game, but I couldn't do anything. I was able to shrink the window down with the F4 key, but I couldn't do anything after that so I can reset it properly. So I had no choice but to 'control, alt, delete' in order to reset everything.
Overall though, I would recommend this game for everything that happens. But I would not recommend it if you're not fond of having to replay and reset over, and over again in order to achieve specific tasks, or move on.
Posted 11 April, 2016.
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