Person A: Hey
Person B: Hey
Person A: What's new?
Person B: c over lambda.
Person A: Do you have anymore good Chemistry jokes from yesterday?
Person B: Na.
Person A: What? Why not?
Person B: 'cos all of them Argon.
Person A: K. Good thing you don't know any recently dead chemists!
Person B: Why?
Person A: 'cos then you would have to Barium.
Person B: But what if the chemist was say, suffering from a deadly disease?
Person A: Then you could Curium.
Person B: Oh. How about if the person just suffered a bad injury?
Person A: Isn't it obvious? You Helium! How could you not know the answers? I thought you were a chemist.
Person B: How do you figure?
Person A: Well, chemists have all the solutions don't they?
Person B: Not true! My friend got put into jail after trying to steal 2 rare isotopes of Helium by trying to relabel the bottles!
Person A: HeHe.
Person B: I can't believe he went to jail for such a small thing! He could have just asked! What a silicon...
[Neon walks into the bar]
Person A: Oh look! My friend Neon has arrived!
Bartender (to Neon): Oi! Get out! We don't serve Noble Gases here!
[Neon doesn't react]

...now that I look back, I regret making the world sulfur through the use of bad jokes. Although I may periodically put some more on here if I can zinc of them.

What is the name of the Tron movie that just came out?
The Neutron Movie.

A neutrino walks through a bar...
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