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Recent reviews by Draconic_Anomaly

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778.0 hrs on record (200.6 hrs at review time)
Im going to make this nice and clear and do a small break down.
when this game dropped it was bad and it still has left that bad taste in many peoples mouths.
BUT as someone who has collectively a few thousand hours on skyrim alone over all platforms i can say this "the game is leaps and bounds better than it was even with the normal amount of jank the creation engine provides".
is it worth the 40 dollar price tag as of the writing of this review? "close enough"
is it enjoyable solo? "yes but you will miss a few bits here and there"
is it enjoyable with friends? "yes this is very good with friends unless they are loot goblins but if you are also a loot goblin its a-ok"
does it have what im looking for? "depends on what your looking for if you want to rp some apocalypse crusaders and lock yourself to not use guns or power armor yes you can and it has what you want"
but so and so big content maker said this game was trash. "play it and form your own opinion about the game first its best to go into the game with low expectations as you should with all games"
but my computer can barely run this game. "check your graphics settings and update your card and if you cant run it on potato just refund it and buy something else"
but this game is to hard the forced survival mode is annoying "git gud you scrub"
so if you want
-verity in play styles
-a game thats good solo or with friends
-a game that provides a fair challenge
-and ok-ish priced
then get the game
but if you dont want that and you hate or dislike
-primary online game play with pvp as a option
-some weapons and items being worse or better than others and the best requiring you grind for them with world events
-or the shear fact bethesda exists
then go buy hello kitty island adventues since i cant think of a game you would like at that point
i know there is grammar and spelling mistakes i honestly dont care
have a nice day to who ever reads this
Posted 3 December, 2021.
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2,557.3 hrs on record (708.3 hrs at review time)
Help im too far down the rabbit hole and all i can see is carrots.
Posted 3 December, 2020.
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521.1 hrs on record (329.3 hrs at review time)
This game is a life eater be warned i didnt listen to my friends and now im trapped. 10/10
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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7.0 hrs on record
The game is good the fandom is crap.
Posted 29 August, 2018.
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0.2 hrs on record
this game costs too much for what it's worth it took me 10 minutes to learn the controles because there is no help took me a while to figure out how to land on a island with the wood pulp item you start with could just call it a makeshift oar but no wood pulp
of the 5 worlds i made 2 didnt spawn with it 1 without a knife food or water and the last two i got one pineapple one cola a knife the wood pulp and the fishing rod on one
when i finally landed on a island i tryed to move and i didnt move but i took food water and health when going north west or southgoing east put me back in the ocean without allowing me to explore the island
for some reason pressing the w key drains your food water and health
so refine the game and some sort of help for people make the game free and finally
Posted 7 August, 2017.
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23,768.4 hrs on record (24.4 hrs at review time)
i find that CC is more or a roasting simulator than a dating simulator i still love CC all the same
Still holds true a while down the line
Posted 3 February, 2017. Last edited 27 November, 2020.
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9.6 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I would like to state up front im no expert at this, i will try my best.
I really like this game several walls need to be smoothed out so when you walk into them and then you climb the wall.
All in all it's a very fun game i played the frist game in the seris a few weeks after it was released and i really enjoyed it skip forward a year and then you have the 2d mmo we all know and love.
And just like it's first humble begaining i am sure once the game is fully finished and all the areas are added it will bring back the joy we all had when we first made our first accont only to make another because we forgot the password.
i rate 9/10
Posted 22 January, 2017.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries