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投稿日: 2019年2月5日 13時30分

I Really don't know.

It is Total War: Attila Age of Charlemagne, with more work put into it.
The best way i can describe this game, is its a very good mod. It feels as if, some one working at CA, really liked Age of Charlemagne, and in his free time he made a new version of it.

It has some new features. The game feels different. Micromanaging food, estates and governors is cool and a step in the right direction i think. Armies are heavily dependant on food surplus, which i personally love (Prevents stacking and easy wipe).

The game is quite confusing and overwhelming on you're first play through. The UI and layout of just every thing is a little odd. And most things have little explanation. A vet to Total War will struggle with this on his/her first few hours of game play.

The AI feels like it has regressed. It feels easy and predictable. This is largely due to the fact the AI cant spam stacks of units. And you start to notice very quickly the lack of intelligence with the AI. The game feels like it should be a slower pace game, though it surprisingly is not. I was half expecting a Game of Thrones feel. Heavy in the politics and intrigue. Though that was lacking.

The game is alright. I personally think the campaign is pretty. The Units are copied and pasted from Attila (Which to me is ok). The game is not user friendly. Battle maps feel more (Total War: Warhammer) which is cool. Overall, its just alright.

Is it worth buying? Is it worth the money? Yes its worth buying, but buy it on a 40%+ sale.
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4 件のコメント
DmanDaMan 2019年3月6日 2時19分 
These people look like Albino cave beasts! Where are the native Europeans? They apparently had a kingdom somewhere in the North,current-day Scotland, where they were the richest, smartest and most powerful people in the world! If you don't believe me then look up Cheddar Man!
Ye #1 Fan 2019年2月17日 6時07分 
But once i got used to layout and tooltips the game was actully very enjoyable
Lord Antharg 2019年2月15日 1時45分 
There is no any rebel army spamming.
Nukoolamukmuk 2019年2月14日 22時56分 
What about the rebel army spamming? That is what breaks the game for most people.