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Recent reviews by Red Jam Doughnut

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3 people found this review helpful
173.7 hrs on record (161.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's pretty fun. To start off with the most important part, gameplay. The game is at its core a deck builder, where generally speaking from the mid to late game you will end up having to build 5+ decks, and with the current set of cards out, styles of deck. Although this section is pretty simple, where the text is pretty short and descriptions tend to be less complicated, you end up having to build around being able to maintain a constantly flowing hand and managing the resource used to actually play cards, light. From there it's up to taste depending on the Page, the gear in this game, your character is using, along with any passives attached to said Page with a variety of deck types, such as blunt unga, burn, em to hell paralyze abuse, clone rapid gashes, smoke, etc.

The battles can range from extremely easy to incredibly frustrating. The biggest complaint I would have is that sometime enemy passives are ridiculously long and complex. It's extremely important to read everything to get an understanding of what gimmick the battle will be following and what you can and can't abuse. Due to this, I would not recommend this to anyone who isn't inclined to reading or thinking. From there it follows a flow of decision making, where given the enemy's attacks and choices, you have to decide on whether to hit them head on, redirect an attack to another character, and sometimes just eat it. By doing so you can manage your HP and stagger, which in this game is the equivalent of a break bar, as well as get the most optimal wins against enemy cards. Battles can take 20 minutes to an hour worth of time, and it can definitely be frustrating when you lose those hour long battles. Overall, it's a pretty fun battle system, and for me at least a ton of hype fights with how they present things.

The art and character design are interesting to gorgeous to say the least. No complaints there. Every character you meet is distinct in design and style. The sprite design is great and the animations during battle fill me with great joy, especially when hitting those big attacks and causing craters in the map.

The story is pretty dark, or rather the setting is. It's a bleak world where humans just try to survive and live on in life. Life is treated as expendable, and others people's problems aren't your own. This is this, that is that as they would say. Your main viewpoint will be from someone looking out onto the city trying to attain a freedom of their own, and a city dweller who understands the mentality of the city all too well. I look forward to seeing more of this setting from this dev in the future.
Posted 18 April, 2021.
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