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Recent reviews by coolBeans

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1 person found this review helpful
100.6 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
Honestly unlike most people here, I feel like the game has a nice core. I love the gunplay, animations and movement feel a lot more realistic and immersive, unlike the floaty mess it was before in PD1 and 2. The stealth seems to be vastly improved in terms of detection cones and movement. So gunplay, stealth, animations and movement are vastly improved in my opinion.

However, the game is indeed lacking and I wouldn't recommend it without sale in its current form. There is very little content currently, and matchmaking takes quite a while. And there are many quality of life features missing. A major one being no offline mode. Another is having to create a nebula account which was a pain. No chat or heist planning before the heist starts.

I guess a lot of people don't like the new skill system, I can't really comment on that as I never was really knowledgeable on skill trees in PD2, but it's currently divided into I guess 15-ish linear progression lines and you can just progress them all one at a time. It's not bad but I do feel like most skills are pretty useless and most are similar to buffs you get from certain actions (killing enemies gives you +10% damage for 5 seconds, etc.) I personally prefer passive skills that are always applied, but that's just me

One thing to note that can be a pro or con depending on the person: There is no longer Crime.Net, the heists are in an order in which you can't play the next heist without completing the current one.

I do like that there's a story/campaign feel to it but Crime.Net was also really cool and made it feel like you really were going on the dark net to pick up contracts that became available randomly.

Overall: I'd recommend getting it on a sale in its current form. I'm leaving a thumbs up because I believe it has lots of potential and will get better with updates. When it does, I'll update my review and either fully recommend it or not.

PS: Really hope they add VR like they did with Payday2

And maybe a PvP cops vs robbers like in Crime Wars? I never played that but I didn't even know it existed until it shut down lol. Definitely would prefer to play it on a PC/Console with much better graphics and since it might get competitive, with an actual controller or KB/M
Posted 28 November, 2023. Last edited 28 November, 2023.
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386.5 hrs on record (54.2 hrs at review time)
This game is a lot of fun. There are a few bugs here and there but it runs great most of the time. Graphics take a little bit of getting used to, but they're not bad, just looks minecraft-y. There are a few inconsistencies, however. Like, some props on the map will have rounded edges like barrels, generators, tanks and so on, but wheels that are on cars, tractors or on the ground will be square?? It's a bit weird. Could look better if those inconsistencies were fixed. Maybe an increase in polygon counts across the board would make the game look a lot better and less like minecraft.

Characters modeled like the game "Polygon" would be really cool. Speaking of characters, there is absolutely no character customization, which sucks in a major way. The least they could've done would've been a few faces to choose from. Or better, 10 different sets of eyes, 10 noses, 10 mouths and 10 hair styles and it would've been A LOT better. And I guess that would make the current face skins given out a bit pointless, but they could just split those skins into eyes, noses, mouths and hairstyles and allow the players that have them receive the same skin's parts instead.

An outfit/transmog system would allow for a lot more customization too. 'Cause right now, pretty much everyone looks almost exactly same and that's just not great. Armor could be split into pieces like helmet, top, gloves, pants and boots, and that would allow for a lot more customization both in stats variety and looks. And an outfit system where you pick shoes, pants, shirt and headwear would be really cool too. Obviously all outfits fitting the theme and immersion. These would allow players to immerse themselves in the game a lot more and feel more of a connection to their character.

Player housing would be really cool, too. Or clan housing.

Anomalies are a bit too hard to see but I suppose that's kind of the point of them.

Another thing, I think it would be better if barrel extensions allowed muzzle attachments attached onto their ends.


More to the point of a review though, game is really fun, to the point of being almost addictive. PvP is tough, and unforgiving, but also makes it fun. PvE is tough as you progress, too, especially with anomalies around every corner.

PvP could use some balance, especially spawns, as in most starter areas Bandits have the better spawns that are closer to most quest areas, which allows them to have an unfair advantage. That changes later on in the game, though.

Overall, I highly recommend this game and as it is free, you have nothing to lose by just trying it out. Absolutely no P2W even though it's a F2P MMO.

Even with the bugs and a few areas in which it is a bit lacking, it is a gem. With a few balancing adjustments, QoL and aesthetic additions this game could be a true masterpiece.

Posted 19 December, 2022.
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17.2 hrs on record (6.5 hrs at review time)
Great game of poker, very fun and has a better character customization than most MMOs out there. Just needs better optimization, but otherwise fantastic game.
Posted 22 September, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
57.4 hrs on record (17.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's like a better Day-Z combined with Foxhole. Very fun with friends. The only sort of lacking part would be graphics and combat fluidity for me. I know graphics sort of have its own style for this game, but something like Foxhole would really allow this game to shine. And being able to rotate the camera would also be a gigantic plus.
Posted 4 January, 2022.
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517.8 hrs on record (470.0 hrs at review time)
It's really good except when you miss wipe day and start late, then you get destroyed :(

It would be really nice if servers were divided into 7 and all groups wiped on a different day, that way you wouldn't have to wait for the wipe day to enjoy the game / not get wrecked for being late.
Posted 9 July, 2021. Last edited 9 July, 2021.
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1,513.5 hrs on record (6.5 hrs at review time)
Pretty fun, engaging and very in depth in crafting and all. Does need better support.
Posted 6 April, 2020. Last edited 20 April, 2020.
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1 person found this review funny
1,541.6 hrs on record (960.2 hrs at review time)
This game is a lot of fun even though it is pretty old at this point. But the company that recently took over has started updating it quite a bit, bringing it closer to today's standards. About pay to win, they have made it so that you can purchase ARMAS (the real currency store) weapons through playtime (Joker tickets), even though most weapons on ARMAS are just re-skins of in-game weapons. As most said, this game has an incredible amount of customization, both for characters and vehicles, you can also alter the stats of your weapon to a degree with modifications. It is a lot of fun and I'd recommend it to anyone. With the engine update, the game will be much better than it is now, even though it's pretty great as it is.
Posted 26 December, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
2.3 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
Hilarious, and fun. The mechanics are mostly a complete mystery, but boy is it funny. 10/10 would play again.
Posted 9 December, 2019.
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214.7 hrs on record (106.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's very much fun, altough it needs optimization and quality of life improvements. I love this game, consider playing it!
Posted 21 November, 2019.
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7 people found this review helpful
45.4 hrs on record (29.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
10/10 pirate ship fighting game. Love it.

Edit: I'd like to add, for an early access game, it has surprisingly few bugs. Gameplay is fluid, fun, exciting. Very fun with a group of friends.

For the devs: Cannons (even though very rarely) might fling you up in the air when shot, cause you to die. AI can be glitchy and occupy cannons they're not using, and may sometimes be too accurate.

Now for more fun stuff: More stuff to progress towards, maybe sail designs, ship liveries, cannon skins. It would also be great to have more character customization. Separate tops, bottoms, shoes, and accessories, maybe eye patches and wooden legs/hooks can be in that category. I'd very much like them to be untradable, as that is just nasty. Could add in-game currency so players can choose what to unlock before the others.

Season events, zombie AI pirates and jack-o-lantern cannonballs for Halloween, elves and snowball shots for Christmas, etc.

Perks? Perhaps faster reloading, faster swimming, faster equip time, AI crew being more likely to follow orders? We could unlock them and equip them in our loadout, would give the players more to progress towards.

Player guilds could be very fun. They could customize their ship and represent their guild, make a name for themselves, have guild fights and rankings, perhaps even guild bases. Players could design the place to their liking, chill out there and visit other guild bases, play mini-games, perhaps even have base defense wars. Guilds could have their currency storage for shared stuff, like guild banners/ship designs, furniture for the base, maybe even defense structures.

Now I know many of this stuff I've listed are a long stretch and pretty demanding, but it'd make this already fun game a ton more fun, add thousands of hours of more game time, and overall provide a much more fun experience. Even a few of them would go a long way. Thank you all who've made it this far, hope you like the ideas!
Posted 14 September, 2019. Last edited 15 September, 2019.
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