Captain Roger
Tokyo, Japan
Please read the info box below before trading with me, it might save us both a lot of time.
𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒜 𝒢𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓎
Craft #1 Tally: 301


1. You're probably better off trying to sell your items elsewhere; I'm rarely buying these days. If you really want to know, leave a comment and I'll try to get back to you on whether I'm interested or not (leave your comments on public!)
2. My responses are slow! Even if I accept your add, there's a good chance I'm doing a number of other things at the same time, so it may take hours to get back to you. Spamming me with calls for attention won't help you, and will only annoy me.
3. Please don't ask me into games to show me off or take a picture. I'm not a trophy.
4. I cannot help you value your item! I am very bad at trading, my advice will not help you!

Q: Can I add you just to be friends and hang out and chat sometimes?
A: I rarely add anyone to be just friends. If we don't have business, I can't add you; sorry!
Q: I'm interested in buying one of your Collector's Items/Chemistry Sets, or one of your Craft #1s! Are they for sale?
A: My Collector's and #1s are not for sale. However, my policy is to listen to all offers. If you leave a profile comment and have your own comments on public, I'll answer an offer as soon as possible.
Q: Why did you remove me?
A: Chances are we never talk or we traded once and haven't done anything else for months. If you really think things will be different you can just comment and add me again.
Q: Did you add me?
A: If an account added you linking to my inventory or saying something about a storage account then it's an impersonator. I didn't add you.