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22 people found this review helpful
30.1 hrs on record (13.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Reminds me a lot of Dungeon keeper series since it has the similar feature of "digging out" your own ant colony. It also reminds me of the Warcraft 3 map "Ant colony" which offers similar gameplay. The game is entertaining and does have enough levels to justify the price in my opinion. However, I dislike that there is no way to obtain food in the "Formicarium" which lead to having to replay story levels to farm enough food to be able to finish the challenges (which must be beaten in order to continue the story missions). I feel as the development of the ant colony is a bit shallow as well, you just get some food storage and then start massing units. It would be nice with some additions like some sort of defense and research structures. It's also a shame that free play can't be played with friends. Overall it's a fun game and despite its shortcomings I would still recommend it.
Posted 19 August, 2022. Last edited 19 August, 2022.
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5 people found this review helpful
1.7 hrs on record
Really cute and casual, fun to play with your partner (or friend)! It is quite short but it was an enjoyable experience. However, the puzzles are really basic and simple so don't get this game if you want to be challenged. If you are an achievement hunter this is perfect for you, 100% in less than 2 hours!

Considering its price it's definitely worth the money!

If you still aren't convinced, you play as a cat and a dog. What more can you ask for?
Posted 2 March, 2022. Last edited 22 November, 2022.
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76 people found this review helpful
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1.7 hrs on record
I really wanted to like this game as it feels very nostalgic and similar to one of my favorite game series HoMM, but it just isn't enjoyable at all. The biggest issue is the lack of strategy, I feel no accomplishment at all after winning a battle. There's not really anything in the game that wants me to keep playing it.

Here are some problems about the game:
- Barely any description about units
- Spell book is just a big mess and it's hard to understand which spell is valuable to use since description isn't that detailed and you can only cast a few spells before your mana runs out.
- Not balanced at all between factions
- Difficulty to control units during battle
- In beginning of the game high level monsters are guarding resources which won't allow you to progress until you have some units, so basically you are stuck doing nothing
- Battles are really boring and later into the game they take ages, the battle itself is just a big mess and you barely have much control over the battle, hence not much tactics can be used
- Hero feels really useless, he runs in and dies immediately
- AI turns takes quite long time to make their turns
Posted 1 March, 2022. Last edited 1 March, 2022.
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A developer has responded on 2 Mar, 2022 @ 2:36am (view response)
1 person found this review helpful
2.6 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Casual and enjoyable, however very short for its price (just like part 1). Not really anything new from part 1 (probably since it's simply part 2). I recommend getting it when it's on sale. Like the other games in the series, "easy" 100% achievement. Looking forward for the 4th game of the series which will hopefully bring something new to the table.
Posted 24 November, 2021.
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15 people found this review helpful
33.2 hrs on record (27.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Despite the game being in development for a long time and considering the updates sure do take their time, I still recommend this game. Why? Well, because they didn't abandon the game (yet) and I think I bought this game 2013 which is a rather long time ago, but I would dare to say the game has come quite far since I first played it. Still in its current state there is enough content to entertain you for quite some time. I had a blast playing this with my siblings on split screen! The game can be very punishing and difficult, luckily there are many customizable options regarding game settings which can adjust the games realism/difficulty to the players liking. Personally I enjoy hordes of slow stupid zombies, but for someone who is looking for adrenaline, why not make them running demons with supermans hearing and strength? I would say for 13.99€ this surely is a steal, if you aren't convinced yet then you should check out the workshop. There are tons of mods which can enhance the game quite a lot! More items, new maps and other quality of life mods! And why not attempt at making your own mods as well? Worst case scenario, there is a "Request Refund" button, but most likely you wouldn't need to use this one ;)
Posted 9 April, 2021. Last edited 9 April, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
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15.6 hrs on record (12.0 hrs at review time)
Didn't really notice that much difference from the original releases (some visual upgrades only), I really wished they would have done something about the population cap which is one of the main issues with this game. It's worth getting this on a sale, but not for its full price. The DLC is the only "real" addition for this game, always fun with a new civilization! (But of course for $$$). Nonetheless another blast from the past!
Posted 9 April, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
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33.7 hrs on record (21.1 hrs at review time)
Surprisingly a good remake, one of the best additions in this remake is the automatic farming on/off as it was very tedious to spam farms in the mill in the original game, until this day I still have nightmares about the exhausted farm sound... However, since it features new graphics some may still prefer the original. Nonetheless, a great remake! For me the original will always have a place in my heart, hence it shall not gather enough dust to be forgotten. In a later update they have also added Co-op for campaign, while I haven't really been interested in the singleplayer campaign it was a lot more fun to play with a friend. (Note, not all campaigns are available in co-op yet)
Posted 7 April, 2021. Last edited 28 December, 2021.
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4 people found this review helpful
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183.1 hrs on record (181.9 hrs at review time)
A real nostalgic gem, I would say though, a little overpriced for what it is (considering it's around 21-22 years old). The DLCs add some more civilizations, campaigns and maps (for some $$$). Nonetheless, a game that will keep you busy for tons of hours! Most importantly, there is still wololo in the game. I suggest looking into the definitive edition as well for improvements such as toggle on/off automatic farming (no more spamming farms in the mill) and new graphics.
Posted 7 April, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
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2.3 hrs on record
Casual and enjoyable, however very short for its price. I recommend getting it when it's on sale. Like the other games in the series, "easy" 100% achievement. An improvement from the 3rd game, back to the normal non-grindy gameplay. Looking forward for part 2, which will hopefully be longer than this one!
Posted 7 April, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
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6.0 hrs on record
Very grindy compared with the other games of this game series. However a perfect game if you are looking for something casual and enjoyable. One of the more "easy" 100% achievement games. My least favorite in the game series, don't get me wrong though, it's still a fun game! However, if you dislike grindy games I would recommend checking out the other games in the series.
Posted 7 April, 2021.
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