Nals^_ Tacobell Sponsored
My hacks:

I'm a Proud American Republican and i don't like Obama...

Gays are..... just gay (shocker i know). I don't believe in their ways and think they should have kept it in the closet... the ♥♥♥♥♥.

I believe in the 2nd amendment and support the war in Iraq and Afganistan

I also believe all those that dont... should suck my little left nut! :D

Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines and brother?

*taps camera hard enough to leave a print*

I hurt people.

*inserts electrified poles into Iraqi insergent*

I'm a force a' nature!

*Stuffs a rag into the mans mouth to stifle his screams*

If you were from where i was from...

*flips switch on car battery*'d be fu*king dead!

*Man dies slowly*
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