Once Jerry and 16 midgets set off on a journey. They were looking for the great treasure of Ecrapolis. On their way they got lost and camped inside a giant elephant. they awoke the next morning to find that the elephant had walked them to Los Angeles. Being from an underground secret city, Jerry and the midgets had no idea what to think of this. They all went out exploring the city, and got into all sorts of crazy-asss trouble. Jerry tried surfing and was thrown off his board into the sand, mouth-first. He proceeded to munch the sand down, saying it as the best food he'd had in ages. suddenly he whhile digging through this delectable muck, he hit something hard. IT WAS A TREASURE CHEST! He opened it slowly as the 16 midgets crowded around him. Unable to fathom what was inside he tore it open. Inside was a note, "Ha Ha! There's no real treasure dumbass" With that note, Jerry and the midgets turned purple and floated into outer space, doomed to wander the universe.

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