just like a really cool guy, and really awesome
babytron pic
Counter-Strike 2
Kathririn 17 ต.ค. @ 12: 10pm 
+rep AWP virtuoso
Minisoda 15 ต.ค. @ 7: 56pm 
+rep really cool dude, pretty chill, def would play with him again, amazing chemistry
RaspyRoRo 8 ต.ค. @ 8: 59pm 
+rep really cool dude, pretty chill, def would play with him again, amazing chemistry
Duck 5 ต.ค. @ 1: 54pm 
-rep impoverished
LutenicMemebis 5 ต.ค. @ 1: 52pm 
-rep sore loser
Are you jealous of the glitz? 4 ต.ค. @ 10: 27pm 
+rep goated music taste