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Đánh giá gần đây bởi Olive.

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87.2 giờ được ghi nhận (44.5 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
The amount of options in this game is staggering and while it's not the most diverse in feeling between those options, it switches up gameplay enough and often to be refreshing. The difficulty is great and runs can be quite different depending on your class. This is on top of the fact you can also create custom classes and even make them unbalanced, (at a penalty), ON TOP OF the mutators you can turn on. This game has an excessive amount of replayability and the amount of dumb stuff you can do makes me feel encourages to actually try the weird options in this game just to see how it changes up the situation, where other games that allow that variety I tend to fall into a comfort zone. Don't get me wrong, I tend to here also, but far less so thanks to the inventory system and when it gets filled I feel I need to use the stuff to see what I can do, or just sell it if I already know what I can do with something and it may not benefit the kind of run I'm doing. I easily recommend this game for you and a group of friends to play. There's a wide variety that is likely to keep you all entertained.
Đăng ngày 5 Tháng 01, 2019.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
183.5 giờ được ghi nhận (182.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
To play off of my review of Fallout 3 a bit, the weapons are unresponsive and the quests are LAUGHABLY bad. Fallout 3's side quests aren't amazing but compared to Skyrim they may as well be the holy grail. The only game I've played with worse quests than this is Maplestory. If you've ever seen someone joke about "Oh Boy, Another Draugr Dungeon," there's a reason. The biggest failure of this being an RPG game is how you're an every-man in this game. There's no forced specialization as you might see in a game like Fallout 1, which is fundamental to roleplaying games across the board, in fact it's a key-definer. I can't exaggerate how poorly executed a lot of this game is in terms of actual gameplay. Some of the quests can be interesting in writing SORT OF, but not in how you go about completing them. The biggest compliment I can give this game is that the atmosphere and world is superb. Sure, it's fairly empty, but I would much preferred exploring in this game than Fallout 3. There's just a lot of caves and what not to discover and while it's not much, it's something. I can't knock it too hard for this, though, due to most open world games I've played having this problem. Graphically, musically, sound design outside of that, and the whole general world is well done and on that alone it exceeds being total garbage. But it is garbage.
Đăng ngày 5 Tháng 01, 2019.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
59.2 giờ được ghi nhận (59.0 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
This game fails on most fronts. The RPG is half-baked, most notable by how they handle speech checks. The combat is ass because Bethesda's engine just feels awful for gunplay due to how unresponsive and clunky the movement is, (though, I hear Fallout 4 improved that which is why I see others with similar opinions on Fallout 3 as me say that one is better in a way). The world feels like they just threw a bunch of darts at a board. The main quest is dumb. Super mutants are one-dimensional. For a game known for choices, there's a staggering lack of such on the main quest. I guess the atmosphere is fine, but I'd say I'd be impressed if they managed to ♥♥♥♥ that up too. The game's ending without DLC is atrocious, purely on the whole saved game situation around there. As much as I dislike this game, making a game like this is still difficult so I guess in some ways it still is fine but it's truly a failure of its franchise and one of the nails in the coffin of why Bethesda as developers suck.
Đăng ngày 5 Tháng 01, 2019.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
288.3 giờ được ghi nhận (284.9 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Terrible game with a decent idea. When I was around 12, I always wanted a game that had slower combat that felt more like a weighted, long-term battles with tons of people. This game delivers on the long-term battle aspect to a degree but in a horrible way; and no, this isn't my expectations not being met that makes me dislike it because I loved this game at first. Matchs are 45 minutes if you make it to late game which isn't too difficult, more so in solo. About 30-35 of those minutes are just you running around and looting with little to no action. This game loves to waste your time. The reason this game is such a big thing is due to it benefitting off of the addiction formula. The good parts are few and far between that you're willing to go through the down times just for a bit of the great, or even a slim hope of it happening. This game is bogged down heavily by its mechanics. Who wins is largely dependant on RNG thanks to both the circle system and how no item is ever guaranteed. You can lose late game with little to no chance because the circle zoomed in on someone else and you have to run through an open field to get to safety, which is a highly common occurance. When you land at the start of the game, the building you go into may only have a pistol but someone who landed on the roof got an M416, so your chances are low. Fighting and third person can be hit or miss because of the angle and people can use the third person to have an unfair advantage. Playing in first person isn't much better either because you can't watch all around you, in the game where getting sniped off from far away is common. This game can never be competitive due to combat being dumbed down to hiding behind trees, the fact you can get killed in 1 shot often times by someone you never knew was there, the fact that your loadout heavily determines your usefulness because if you don't have a 4x then you're very disadvantaged in medium to long range combat, and the fact that whoever the circle zooms on late game is going to have a far easier time winning than you. It also doesn't work as a casual game due to the rounds being so long and the game wasting your time at the same time. The map design is also very rinse wash repeat with different areas of the map not changing up combat much. Very few different structures in this game force you to play differently. The cars, mostly the motorcycle, are also poorly made; though with the desert map, at least there's a bit more variety in them and this variety can change up how you play a bit. The developers also appear to be lazy and plain dumb in some cases, such as in copyright and not making the circle dependent on anything but RNG and not spawning on open water. Over a year they hardly did much of anything but still get praised as heroes. The gun variety is mostly lackluster but decent enough if you get into the nitty gritty but this is bogged down by the fact that how you fight someone will come down to the near always the same situations every time, long or short distance. This game sucks, don't buy it.
Đăng ngày 13 Tháng 01, 2018. Sửa lần cuối vào 28 Tháng 11, 2019.
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114.3 giờ được ghi nhận (80.9 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Out of all the small multi-player games that I've bought, this is easily one of, if not, the best among them. This game has great variety with its weapons and default maps that play to these weapons well. The combat is fast and snappy and issues with lag don't seem to give anyone a clear advantage, except for maybe the first couple seconds. The weapon variety and mod capabilities are really the highlight of this game. The weapons in this game by default are some of the most enjoyable varied weapons I've seen in a game, changing up how you play and the little details in very fun ways that maps also have an influence on. The developers also have allowed Steam Workshop and has garnered some incredibly mods. My favorite is Dord's Weaponry, which expands on the game with so many interesting weapons, map objects, and more such as the "remix" feature. This mod is near essential in my experience, but I wouldn't say the default game is bad just because I feel spoiled by incredible fan content. The default game is a wonderfully fast and fluid game with great variety in what it gives that has a good skill curve too, and if you want to go further, the mod community allows it thanks to the easy access features in the game by the developers. One such feature that I love is that you can set your game to load maps from the internet alone. You don't even need to go subscribe to some on Steam, (though quality will vary greatly). The developers still update this game from time to time and seem to help fans of the game on the forums quite a bit. This game is great and if you get invested in it and its mod community, it's spectacular. The single-player experience works both as fun challenges and practice with the games mechanics too. The content here is so tightly packed with quality, I highly recommend it.
Đăng ngày 13 Tháng 01, 2018.
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