United Kingdom (Great Britain)
:england_1945: | :8infinity: | :malegender: | :direwolf: | :deltashield:
British | 21+ | Neurodivergent | Male | Wolf | Trekkie | Weeb

Welcome to my profile!
If you're not 18+ then I do not wish to speak with you or have you as a friend, sorry!
If you're a bigot, you'll find no friend here. Begone. Educate yourself. Release yourself from hate. Learn to be a decent human being.

Heya, just a wolf from the UK. I don't game as much as I used to but perhaps we could sort out a game to play!

Useful Inspection Tool
If you search for "SteamHistory" you can paste someone's steam profile link into it in order to get more information from it such as cheater lists they're on, bans from other servers, when the profile was set up, name changes, friends they are with (ones that are source banned highlighted in red).