The Nightmare Tank.
Chris   Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
I am The Nightmare Tank, formerly Lancer @nti-tank Rocket, now a corrupted dark unit in the badlands with an equally corrupted Nightmare Cannon close by, stolen from a lunar castle and originally imbued with lunar magic, now corrupted by the Goddess of Nightmares and utilized by me! I daresay I'm fast becoming a legend in the badlands for my contributions of all sizes and logic-screwing, as opposed to what most legends are derived of; skill. That doesn't mean I'm skill-less...attack me, and it may be the last thing you ever do!

It's unlikely I'm gonna trust any new friend invites, so don't waste your time unless I know you well enough. This goes for Group Invites. I have my trusted connections, I don't need dodgy ones, so don't send me any invites unless I know and trust you well enough!

I only answer to a very VERY select handful of people now, dominantly the Nightmare Goddess. If I do something of free will, it's because I feel like it, or am ready to. Don't push me!

Darkness is all I need now!

My alignment WAS "Chaotic Good" but following corruption, I am now "Lawful Evil" and not interested in reverting, so don't waste yours or my time!

Sweet Nightmare's Spectre, can you stop inviting me to games unless you've gone on ahead to one I plan to join!?! I go where I want to go, not where YOU want me to go!

I rarely trade in Team Fortress 2 unless it involves me selling a Grenade right to the face of all those high-ballers, low-ballers, and scammers everywhere. I hate people that value their Items more than others (i.e. "Oh I've used this weapon myself. It's worth 2 of your weapons, even though I don't have either of what you're offering.") and those who give barely anything for something of high value ("Umm, I'm gonna go ahead and put up this Hat for your Genuine Maul. Hats > Weapons and all that ♥♥♥♥") and I especially despise Scammers ("Selling Unusual Hotrod w/ Orbiting Fire for 5 Buds <Puts up Unusual Hotrod w/ Massed Flies>"), especially the ones who give Paint Services like mine a bad name.

Despite our obvious differences (Mainly their preference for Light conflicting my preference for Dark), me 'n' Light Brawler Amp Frostbolt are pretty damn close. You do NOT want to wrong her. I'm the Nightmare Tank in more ways than one!

That is all,

UGS's corrupted 2nd,

The Nightmare Tank


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