
im_thelumberjack 最近的评测

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总时数 8.7 小时 (评测时 8.1 小时)
Having really enjoyed Dishonored 1 and 2 and seeing all of the positive reviews for Deathloop I finally decided to pick it up during the winter sale. Honestly if feels like a poor persons Dishonored.

-Gunplay is awful. There isn't really much "oomph" to any weapons or hits so everything just kind of dies in a low gravity rag doll that just vanishes instantly.

-The powers are very similar to the Dishonored games, but they feel way worse until you upgrade them

-AI is almost non existent. If spotted all the enemies will just kind of charge towards you and take turns to die if there is anything like a door or hallway.

- While it seems like the discovery and progression would be very freeform, it is actually incredibly linear. In general you are just following a waypoint from hub to hub and day to day. This also makes the game world feel very small, as there are only 4 fairly small hubs with 4 different types of day, and you will constantly retread them.
发布于 2022 年 1 月 25 日。
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