Talon Trebilcock   United States
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Life is generous and unforgiving, learn to mend one self with the traits of insanity and the sane into one and find that there is a dangerous path far below those of the laid down pathways society has created. Though it's easiest and logical to take the laid down paths before you, and it's the most beneficial, not all are made for those paths. Take heed in warnings of not just the morale's of your own codes, but the lessons in the root of your history, and those around you.
The key to success is not to kill yourself mentally and spiritually, but to mend yourself with the pain and balance once self out. You understand nothing until you come to terms with reality and the people around you as their perspectives become one with yourself.
Once this is complete, you are one step closer to pure balance. Being enthusiastic is key to binding the positivity to one self, the negativity is greater in number always, so being enthusiastic among being around positive people will prove beneficial in the long run, the mind is the key to not just ones success but their understanding as a whole and potentially their survival towards greater achievements and predictions of their own kind and so forth.

Darkness envelops those who fail to fight against their own fears and dormant sins. If you fail to fight it, it will slowly consume you as it has done to me, though it has not affected me too badly yet it still gnaws at me from inside.However, if i cast it out I am vulnerable to the others, but if i keep it, it will destroy what's left of my humanity slowly like a plague at work. This form of darkness, it WILL corrupt you till you are nothing left but a husk of your once true self. You will become what most of this world has been engulfed in for centuries. The darkness that haunts many and their dreams. If you wish to continue... please be prepared for ANYTHING to occur in your mind, including potential affects such as "splitting" of your mind. If you're lucky you will be spared the paranoia at night and sometimes of day of being watched and the feeling that you are within reach of something sinister nearby...
For my sake and many others for those who still give two ♥♥♥♥♥ about humanity, including those with dark humor... Please save what's left before it's too late. I already fear the worst has yet to come from both sides of our perspectives on "good and evil". If not for my sake, for your own, and if not for you, your family, friends, loved ones... preserve what remains of life before you destroy what is a unique experience as a rarity amongst the stars and our people. Many cast their selves around and their tools like they own the planet and can make a new one at their own whim... being arrogant and choosing to live destroying anything they see unfit as if a god or creator in a lab... Put a stop to as much as you can and remember this... if you cast out all evil. It will eventually come back to haunt you all. Balance is key, and maintaining this order will at most guarantee temporary safe passage, nothing is for certain as life has taught. But if you respect life and the rules it plays by, with some intuition... you will live to be somewhat happy and might get to see some beautiful things if you're lucky. - 2021
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Star 14 Feb, 2019 @ 11:17am 
please man i didnt send those my account got hacked and started sending links to everyone im freinded with on steam
TheBlueGuy 9 Dec, 2017 @ 8:42pm 
< ̄`ヽ、       / ̄>
     >     ,ノ  