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Upplagd: 25 feb, 2023 @ 11:55
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an, there sure are alot of 45 or 58 year old fathers out there who's son got the game from an uncle, and the father is now playing the game with the son since wife died and they're so close together now and blah blah blah.

Lots of people posting reviews like that for a whole slew of MP games, with what I would assume is the sole purpose of point farming by pulling on heartstrings. Don't take my word for it, go look at reviews for a large portion of MP games, you'll see the review: "I'm a 45 year old father...". They're virtually exact copies, word for word. A few examples are Monster Hunter Rise, Mechwarrior 5, Sea of Thieves, V Rising, Risk of Rain 2, Ready or Not, Raft etc.

It's just copy pasted stuff, don't fall for it by giving them your points.

With that said, is it gross behavior, or perfectly acceptable as long as people allow themselves to be duped?
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